guidemaker/ A configuration template fo a streamlit web application version of Guidemaker.
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"""guidemaker/ A configuration template fo a streamlit web application version of Guidemaker."""
import os
import subprocess
import base64
import pathlib
from pathlib import Path
import uuid
from uuid import uuid4
from contextlib import contextmanager
import shutil
import pandas as pd
import altair as alt
from PIL import Image
import streamlit as st
from streamlit_tags import st_tags_sidebar
from copy import deepcopy
import guidemaker
apptitle = 'GuideMaker'
st.set_page_config(page_title=apptitle, page_icon=":eyeglasses:")
st.sidebar.markdown("## Select Parameters to Design gRNAs")
DATA_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) # This is your Project Root
# @contextmanager
# def genome_connect(db_bytes):
# """Write input genome to local disk and clean after using."""
# fp = Path(str(uuid4()))
# with open("input.gbk", 'wb') as fp:
# for i in db_bytes:
# if guidemaker.is_gzip(i):
# with, 'rt') as f:
# fp = bytearray(f)
# file.write(fp)
# else:
# with open(i, 'r') as f:
# fp = bytearray(f)
# file.write(fp)
# conn = str(fp)
# try:
# yield conn
# finally:
# pass
def genome_connect(db_bytes):
"""Write input genome to local disk and clean after using."""
fp = Path(str(uuid4()))
with open('input.gbk', 'wb') as file:
for i in db_bytes:
fp = bytearray(i)
conn = str(fp)
yield conn
def fasta_connect(db_bytes):
"""Write input genome to local disk and clean after using."""
fp = Path(str(uuid4()))
with open('input.fasta', 'wb') as file:
for i in db_bytes:
fp = bytearray(i)
conn = str(fp)
yield conn
def gff_connect(db_bytes):
"""Write input genome to local disk and clean after using."""
fp = Path(str(uuid4()))
with open('input.gff', 'wb') as file:
for i in db_bytes:
fp = bytearray(i)
conn = str(fp)
yield conn
def run_command(args):
"""Run command, transfer stdout/stderr back into Streamlit and manage error.""""Running:: '{' '.join(args)}'")
result =, capture_output=True, text=True)
# st.text(result.stderr)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
raise e
def get_binary_file_downloader_html(bin_file, file_label='File'):
"""Binary file downloader in html format."""
with open(bin_file, 'rb') as f:
data =
bin_str = base64.b64encode(data).decode()
href = f'<a href="data:application/octet-stream;base64,{bin_str}" download="{os.path.basename(bin_file)}">{file_label}</a>'
return href
def read_markdown_file(markdown_file):
"""Read markdown file."""
return Path(markdown_file).read_text()
def guidemakerplot(df):
"""Returns guidemaker plot describing PAM targets."""
source = df
brush = alt.selection(type='interval', encodings=['x'])
binnum = int(round(source['Feature end'].max() / 200, 0))
display_info = source.columns.tolist()
# Feature density
densityF = alt.Chart(source).transform_density(
'Feature start',
as_=['Feature start', 'Feature Density'],
extent=[1, source['Feature end'].max()],
).mark_area(color='black', opacity=0.6).encode(
x=alt.X('Feature start', axis=alt.Axis(title='Genome Coordinates (bp)', tickCount=5)),
y='Feature Density:Q',
# gRNA density
densityg = alt.Chart(source).transform_density(
'Guide start',
as_=['Guide start', 'Guide Density'],
extent=[1, source['Feature end'].max()],
).mark_area(color='pink', opacity=0.6).encode(
x=alt.X('Guide start', axis=alt.Axis(title='Genome Coordinates (bp)', tickCount=5)),
y='Guide Density:Q',
# locus tag
locus = alt.Chart(source).mark_bar(cornerRadiusTopLeft=3, cornerRadiusTopRight=3).encode(
y=alt.Y('locus_tag', axis=alt.Axis(title='Locus')),
gmplot = densityF & densityg & locus
return gmplot
def main(arglist: list = None):
"""Run web App."""
header = "GuideMaker"
subheader = "Software to design CRISPR-Cas guide RNA pools in non-model genomes π¦ π§¬"
st.markdown(f'<strong style="font-family:Hoefler Text;font-size: 36px;color: #0021A5">{header}</strong>',
f'<strong style="font-family:Hoefler Text;font-size: 18px;color: #FA4616">{subheader}</strong>', unsafe_allow_html=True)
sessionID = str(uuid.uuid1())
# st.write(sessionID)
logfilename = sessionID + "_log.txt"
# Create a downloads directory within the streamlit static asset directory
# and write output files to it. Binary downloader as html file has limited
# file size for conversion. So, we need to write it to local folder.
STREAMLIT_STATIC_PATH = pathlib.Path(st.__path__[0]) / 'static'
if not DOWNLOADS_PATH.is_dir():
# Define input parameters and widgets
multiple_files_gbk = st.sidebar.file_uploader("Upload one or more Genome file [ .gbk, .gbk.gz]", type=[".gbk", ".gz",".gbff"], accept_multiple_files=True)
genome = list( map(lambda x: x.getvalue(), multiple_files_gbk))
multiple_files_fasta = st.sidebar.file_uploader("Upload one or more fasta file [ .fasta, .fasta.gz]", type=[".fasta", ".gz",".fna"], accept_multiple_files=True)
fasta = list( map(lambda x: x.getvalue(), multiple_files_fasta))
multiple_files_gff= st.sidebar.file_uploader("Upload gff/gtf file if you are using fasta [ .gff, .gtf]", type=[".gff", ".gtf"], accept_multiple_files=True)
gff = list( map(lambda x: x.getvalue(), multiple_files_gff))
DemoGenome = st.sidebar.selectbox("OR Use Demo GBK",['Carsonella_ruddii.gbk.gz','Pseudomonas_aeruginosa.gbk.gz'])
DemoGenomepath = os.path.join(DATA_DIR,DemoGenome)
demo = open(DemoGenomepath,"rb")
#st.write("You selected this option ",xx)
pam = st.sidebar.text_input("Input PAM Motif [ E.g. NGG ] ", "NGG")
restriction_enzyme_list = st_tags_sidebar(label = 'Restriction Enzymes[e.g. NGRT]:',
text = 'Enter to add more',
value = ['NGRT'])
#restriction_enzyme_list= st.sidebar.text_input("Restriction Enzymes list [ E.g. NGRT ] ", "NGRT")
pam_orientation = st.sidebar.selectbox(
"PAM Orientation [ Options: 3prime, 5prime ]", ("3prime", "5prime"))
guidelength = st.sidebar.number_input('Guidelength [ Options: 10 - 27 ]', 10, 27, value=20)
lsr = st.sidebar.number_input('Length of seed region[ Options: 0 - 27 ]', 0, 27, value=10)
#dtype = st.sidebar.selectbox(
# "Type of Edit Distance [ Options: hamming, leven ]", ("hamming", "leven"))
dist = st.sidebar.number_input('Edit Distance [Options: 0 - 5 ]', 0, 5, value=2)
before = st.sidebar.number_input('Before [Options: 1 - 500 ]', 1, 500, value=100, step=50)
into = st.sidebar.number_input('Into [Options: 1 - 500 ]', 1, 500, value=200, step=50)
knum = st.sidebar.number_input('Similar Guides[Options: 2 - 20 ]', 2, 20, value=3)
controls = st.sidebar.number_input('Control RNAs', 1, 1000, value=10, step=100)
#threads = st.sidebar.number_input('Threads [ Options: 2, 4, 6, 8]', 2, 8, step=2)
if demo and "input.gbk":
with genome_connect(demo):
#st.write("Connection object:", conn)
args = ["guidemaker",
"-i", "input.gbk",
"-p", pam,
"--guidelength", str(guidelength),
"--pam_orientation", pam_orientation,
"--lsr", str(lsr),
"--dtype", str("hamming"),
"--dist", str(dist),
"--outdir", sessionID,
"--log", logfilename,
"--into", str(into),
"--before", str(before),
"--knum", str(knum),
"--controls", str(controls),
"--threads", str(2),
scriptorun = args + restriction_enzyme_list
if genome and "input.gbk":
with genome_connect(genome):
#st.write("Connection object:", conn)
args = ["guidemaker",
"-i", "input.gbk",
"-p", pam,
"--guidelength", str(guidelength),
"--pam_orientation", pam_orientation,
"--lsr", str(lsr),
"--dtype", str("hamming"),
"--dist", str(dist),
"--outdir", sessionID,
"--log", logfilename,
"--into", str(into),
"--before", str(before),
"--knum", str(knum),
"--controls", str(controls),
"--threads", str(2),
scriptorun = args + restriction_enzyme_list
if fasta and gff:
with fasta_connect(fasta):
with gff_connect(gff):
#st.write("Connection object:", conn)
args = ["guidemaker",
"-f", "input.fasta",
"-g", "input.gff",
"-p", pam,
"--guidelength", str(guidelength),
"--pam_orientation", pam_orientation,
"--lsr", str(lsr),
"--dtype", str("hamming"),
"--dist", str(dist),
"--outdir", sessionID,
"--log", logfilename,
"--into", str(into),
"--before", str(before),
"--knum", str(knum),
"--controls", str(controls),
"--threads", str(2),
scriptorun = args + restriction_enzyme_list
# st.markdown("""ππππππππ""")
if os.path.exists(sessionID):
#source = pd.read_csv(os.path.join("./", sessionID,'targets.csv'))
source = pd.read_csv(os.path.join("./", sessionID, 'targets.csv'), low_memory=False)
accession_list = list(set(source['Accession']))
for accession in accession_list:
accession_df = source[source["Accession"] == accession]
accession_info = f"**Accession:** {accession}"
# Targets
target_tab = "β
[Target Data](downloads/targets.csv)"
targets = pd.read_csv(os.path.join("./", sessionID, 'targets.csv'), low_memory=False)
targets.to_csv(str(DOWNLOADS_PATH / "targets.csv"), index=False)
# Controls
control_tab = "β
[Control Data](downloads/controls.csv)"
controls = pd.read_csv(os.path.join("./", sessionID, 'controls.csv'), low_memory=False)
controls.to_csv(str(DOWNLOADS_PATH / "controls.csv"), index=False)
# logs
with st.expander("Results"):
logfilename, 'β
Log File'), unsafe_allow_html=True)
# Parameters Dictionary
image =
optionals = st.expander("Parameter Dictionary", False)
optionals.image(image, caption='GuideMaker Parameters', use_column_width=True)
with st.expander("Designing Experiments with GuideMaker Results"):
intro_markdown = read_markdown_file(guidemaker.APP_EXPERIMENT_FILE)
st.markdown(intro_markdown, unsafe_allow_html=True)
##### API documentation π
API documentation for the module can be found [here](
##### License information Β©οΈ
*Guidemaker was created by the United States Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS). As a work of the United States Government this software is available under the CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication (CC0 1.0)*
# Check if the output dir exist, if yes, delete so that previous results are not display
shutil.rmtree(sessionID, ignore_errors=True)
except FileNotFoundError as e:
if __name__ == "__main__":
def fasta_connect(db_bytes)
Write input genome to local disk and clean after using.
Expand source code
@contextmanager def fasta_connect(db_bytes): """Write input genome to local disk and clean after using.""" fp = Path(str(uuid4())) with open('input.fasta', 'wb') as file: for i in db_bytes: fp = bytearray(i) file.write(fp) conn = str(fp) try: yield conn finally: pass
def genome_connect(db_bytes)
Write input genome to local disk and clean after using.
Expand source code
@contextmanager def genome_connect(db_bytes): """Write input genome to local disk and clean after using.""" fp = Path(str(uuid4())) with open('input.gbk', 'wb') as file: for i in db_bytes: fp = bytearray(i) file.write(fp) conn = str(fp) try: yield conn finally: pass
def get_binary_file_downloader_html(bin_file, file_label='File')
Binary file downloader in html format.
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def get_binary_file_downloader_html(bin_file, file_label='File'): """Binary file downloader in html format.""" with open(bin_file, 'rb') as f: data = bin_str = base64.b64encode(data).decode() href = f'<a href="data:application/octet-stream;base64,{bin_str}" download="{os.path.basename(bin_file)}">{file_label}</a>' return href
def gff_connect(db_bytes)
Write input genome to local disk and clean after using.
Expand source code
@contextmanager def gff_connect(db_bytes): """Write input genome to local disk and clean after using.""" fp = Path(str(uuid4())) with open('input.gff', 'wb') as file: for i in db_bytes: fp = bytearray(i) file.write(fp) conn = str(fp) try: yield conn finally: pass
def guidemakerplot(df)
Returns guidemaker plot describing PAM targets.
Expand source code
def guidemakerplot(df): """Returns guidemaker plot describing PAM targets.""" source = df brush = alt.selection(type='interval', encodings=['x']) binnum = int(round(source['Feature end'].max() / 200, 0)) display_info = source.columns.tolist() # Feature density densityF = alt.Chart(source).transform_density( 'Feature start', as_=['Feature start', 'Feature Density'], extent=[1, source['Feature end'].max()], bandwidth=binnum, ).mark_area(color='black', opacity=0.6).encode( x=alt.X('Feature start', axis=alt.Axis(title='Genome Coordinates (bp)', tickCount=5)), y='Feature Density:Q', ).properties(height=50) # gRNA density densityg = alt.Chart(source).transform_density( 'Guide start', as_=['Guide start', 'Guide Density'], extent=[1, source['Feature end'].max()], bandwidth=binnum, ).mark_area(color='pink', opacity=0.6).encode( x=alt.X('Guide start', axis=alt.Axis(title='Genome Coordinates (bp)', tickCount=5)), y='Guide Density:Q', ).properties(height=50).add_selection(brush) # locus tag locus = alt.Chart(source).mark_bar(cornerRadiusTopLeft=3, cornerRadiusTopRight=3).encode( x='count(locus_tag):Q', y=alt.Y('locus_tag', axis=alt.Axis(title='Locus')), color='PAM:N', tooltip=display_info ).transform_filter( brush ).interactive().properties(height=500) gmplot = densityF & densityg & locus return gmplot
def main(arglist:Β listΒ =Β None)
Run web App.
Expand source code
def main(arglist: list = None): """Run web App.""" header = "GuideMaker" subheader = "Software to design CRISPR-Cas guide RNA pools in non-model genomes π¦ π§¬" st.markdown(f'<strong style="font-family:Hoefler Text;font-size: 36px;color: #0021A5">{header}</strong>', unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown( f'<strong style="font-family:Hoefler Text;font-size: 18px;color: #FA4616">{subheader}</strong>', unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown("---") sessionID = str(uuid.uuid1()) # st.write(sessionID) logfilename = sessionID + "_log.txt" # Create a downloads directory within the streamlit static asset directory # and write output files to it. Binary downloader as html file has limited # file size for conversion. So, we need to write it to local folder. STREAMLIT_STATIC_PATH = pathlib.Path(st.__path__[0]) / 'static' DOWNLOADS_PATH = (STREAMLIT_STATIC_PATH / "downloads") if not DOWNLOADS_PATH.is_dir(): DOWNLOADS_PATH.mkdir() # Define input parameters and widgets multiple_files_gbk = st.sidebar.file_uploader("Upload one or more Genome file [ .gbk, .gbk.gz]", type=[".gbk", ".gz",".gbff"], accept_multiple_files=True) genome = list( map(lambda x: x.getvalue(), multiple_files_gbk)) multiple_files_fasta = st.sidebar.file_uploader("Upload one or more fasta file [ .fasta, .fasta.gz]", type=[".fasta", ".gz",".fna"], accept_multiple_files=True) fasta = list( map(lambda x: x.getvalue(), multiple_files_fasta)) multiple_files_gff= st.sidebar.file_uploader("Upload gff/gtf file if you are using fasta [ .gff, .gtf]", type=[".gff", ".gtf"], accept_multiple_files=True) gff = list( map(lambda x: x.getvalue(), multiple_files_gff)) DemoGenome = st.sidebar.selectbox("OR Use Demo GBK",['Carsonella_ruddii.gbk.gz','Pseudomonas_aeruginosa.gbk.gz']) DemoGenomepath = os.path.join(DATA_DIR,DemoGenome) demo = open(DemoGenomepath,"rb") #st.write("You selected this option ",xx) pam = st.sidebar.text_input("Input PAM Motif [ E.g. NGG ] ", "NGG") restriction_enzyme_list = st_tags_sidebar(label = 'Restriction Enzymes[e.g. NGRT]:', text = 'Enter to add more', value = ['NGRT']) #restriction_enzyme_list= st.sidebar.text_input("Restriction Enzymes list [ E.g. NGRT ] ", "NGRT") pam_orientation = st.sidebar.selectbox( "PAM Orientation [ Options: 3prime, 5prime ]", ("3prime", "5prime")) guidelength = st.sidebar.number_input('Guidelength [ Options: 10 - 27 ]', 10, 27, value=20) lsr = st.sidebar.number_input('Length of seed region[ Options: 0 - 27 ]', 0, 27, value=10) #dtype = st.sidebar.selectbox( # "Type of Edit Distance [ Options: hamming, leven ]", ("hamming", "leven")) dist = st.sidebar.number_input('Edit Distance [Options: 0 - 5 ]', 0, 5, value=2) before = st.sidebar.number_input('Before [Options: 1 - 500 ]', 1, 500, value=100, step=50) into = st.sidebar.number_input('Into [Options: 1 - 500 ]', 1, 500, value=200, step=50) knum = st.sidebar.number_input('Similar Guides[Options: 2 - 20 ]', 2, 20, value=3) controls = st.sidebar.number_input('Control RNAs', 1, 1000, value=10, step=100) #threads = st.sidebar.number_input('Threads [ Options: 2, 4, 6, 8]', 2, 8, step=2) if demo and "input.gbk": with genome_connect(demo): #st.write("Connection object:", conn) args = ["guidemaker", "-i", "input.gbk", "-p", pam, "--guidelength", str(guidelength), "--pam_orientation", pam_orientation, "--lsr", str(lsr), "--dtype", str("hamming"), "--dist", str(dist), "--outdir", sessionID, "--log", logfilename, "--into", str(into), "--before", str(before), "--knum", str(knum), "--controls", str(controls), "--threads", str(2), "--cfd_score", "--doench_efficiency_score", "--restriction_enzyme_list"] scriptorun = args + restriction_enzyme_list if genome and "input.gbk": with genome_connect(genome): #st.write("Connection object:", conn) args = ["guidemaker", "-i", "input.gbk", "-p", pam, "--guidelength", str(guidelength), "--pam_orientation", pam_orientation, "--lsr", str(lsr), "--dtype", str("hamming"), "--dist", str(dist), "--outdir", sessionID, "--log", logfilename, "--into", str(into), "--before", str(before), "--knum", str(knum), "--controls", str(controls), "--threads", str(2), "--cfd_score", "--doench_efficiency_score", "--restriction_enzyme_list"] scriptorun = args + restriction_enzyme_list if fasta and gff: with fasta_connect(fasta): with gff_connect(gff): #st.write("Connection object:", conn) args = ["guidemaker", "-f", "input.fasta", "-g", "input.gff", "-p", pam, "--guidelength", str(guidelength), "--pam_orientation", pam_orientation, "--lsr", str(lsr), "--dtype", str("hamming"), "--dist", str(dist), "--outdir", sessionID, "--log", logfilename, "--into", str(into), "--before", str(before), "--knum", str(knum), "--controls", str(controls), "--threads", str(2), "--cfd_score", "--doench_efficiency_score", "--restriction_enzyme_list"] scriptorun = args + restriction_enzyme_list if(st.sidebar.button("SUBMIT")): # st.markdown("""ππππππππ""") run_command(scriptorun) if os.path.exists(sessionID): #source = pd.read_csv(os.path.join("./", sessionID,'targets.csv')) source = pd.read_csv(os.path.join("./", sessionID, 'targets.csv'), low_memory=False) accession_list = list(set(source['Accession'])) for accession in accession_list: accession_df = source[source["Accession"] == accession] accession_info = f"**Accession:** {accession}" st.markdown(accession_info) st.write(guidemakerplot(accession_df)) # Targets target_tab = "β [Target Data](downloads/targets.csv)" targets = pd.read_csv(os.path.join("./", sessionID, 'targets.csv'), low_memory=False) targets.to_csv(str(DOWNLOADS_PATH / "targets.csv"), index=False) # Controls control_tab = "β [Control Data](downloads/controls.csv)" controls = pd.read_csv(os.path.join("./", sessionID, 'controls.csv'), low_memory=False) controls.to_csv(str(DOWNLOADS_PATH / "controls.csv"), index=False) # logs with st.expander("Results"): st.write(target_tab) st.write(control_tab) st.write(get_binary_file_downloader_html( logfilename, 'β Log File'), unsafe_allow_html=True) else: pass # Parameters Dictionary image = optionals = st.expander("Parameter Dictionary", False) optionals.image(image, caption='GuideMaker Parameters', use_column_width=True) with st.expander("Designing Experiments with GuideMaker Results"): intro_markdown = read_markdown_file(guidemaker.APP_EXPERIMENT_FILE) st.markdown(intro_markdown, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown(""" ##### API documentation π API documentation for the module can be found [here]( ##### License information Β©οΈ *Guidemaker was created by the United States Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS). As a work of the United States Government this software is available under the CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication (CC0 1.0)* """) # Check if the output dir exist, if yes, delete so that previous results are not display try: shutil.rmtree(sessionID, ignore_errors=True) os.remove(logfilename) os.remove('input.gbk') os.remove('input.fasta') os.remove('input.gff') except FileNotFoundError as e: pass
def read_markdown_file(markdown_file)
Read markdown file.
Expand source code
def read_markdown_file(markdown_file): """Read markdown file.""" return Path(markdown_file).read_text()
def run_command(args)
Run command, transfer stdout/stderr back into Streamlit and manage error.
Expand source code
@st.cache(suppress_st_warning=True) def run_command(args): """Run command, transfer stdout/stderr back into Streamlit and manage error.""""Running:: '{' '.join(args)}'") result =, capture_output=True, text=True) try: result.check_returncode() # # st.text(result.stderr) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: st.error(result.stderr) raise e