Module guidemaker.core
Core classes and functions for GuideMaker.
Expand source code
"""Core classes and functions for GuideMaker."""
import os
import re
import yaml
import logging
import gzip
import hashlib
import statistics
import nmslib
import regex
import gc
from typing import List, Dict, TypeVar, Generator
from itertools import product
from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio.SeqUtils import GC
from pybedtools import BedTool
from Bio import Seq
from copy import deepcopy
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import altair as alt
from guidemaker import doench_predict
from guidemaker import cfd_score_calculator
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
PandasDataFrame = TypeVar('pandas.core.frame.DataFrame')
pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None
def is_gzip(filename: str):
with open(filename, "rb") as f:"check if %s is gzipped" % filename)
return == b'\x1f\x8b'
except IOError as e:
logger.error("Could not open the file %s to determine if it was gzipped" % filename)
raise e
class PamTarget:
A Class representing a Protospacer Adjacent Motif (PAM) and targets.
The classincludes all targets for given PAM as a dataframe,PAM and target attributes,
and methods to find target and control sequences.
def __init__(self, pam: str, pam_orientation: str, dtype: str) -> None:
Pam __init__
pam (str): A DNA string in ambiguous IUPAC format
pam_orientation (str): [5prime | 3prime ]
5prime means the order is 5'-[pam][target]-3'
3prime means the order is 5'-[target][pam]-3'
dtype (str): hamming or leven
for letter in pam.upper():
assert letter in ['A', 'C', 'G', 'T', 'M', 'R', 'W',
'S', 'Y', 'K', 'V', 'H', 'D', 'B', 'X', 'N']
assert pam_orientation in ["3prime", "5prime"]
self.pam: str = pam.upper()
self.pam_orientation: str = pam_orientation
self.dtype: str = dtype
def __str__(self) -> str:
str __init__
return "A PAM object: {self.pam}".format(self=self)
def find_targets(self, seq_record_iter: object, target_len: int) -> PandasDataFrame:
Find all targets on a sequence that match for the PAM on both strand(s)
seq_record_iter (object): A Biopython SeqRecord iterator from SeqIO.parse
target_len (int): The length of the target sequence
PandasDataFrame: A pandas dataframe with of matching targets
def reverse_complement(seq: str) -> str:
Reverse complement of the PAM sequence
seq (str): A DNA string
str: A reverse complement of DNA string
bpseq = Seq.Seq(seq)
return str(bpseq.reverse_complement())
def pam2re(pam: str) -> str:
Convert an IUPAC ambiguous PAM to a Regex expression
pam (str): A DNA string
str: A Regex expression
dnaval = {'A': 'A', 'C': 'C', 'G': 'G', 'T': 'T',
'M': '[A|C]', 'R': '[A|G]', 'W': '[A|T]', 'S': '[C|G]',
'Y': '[C|T]', 'K': '[G|T]', 'V': '[A|C|G]', 'H': '[A|C|T]',
'D': '[A|G|T]', 'B': '[C|G|T]', 'X': '[G|A|T|C]', 'N': '[G|A|T|C]'}
return "".join([dnaval[base] for base in pam])
# 5prime means the order is 5'-[pam][target]-3'
# 3prime means the order is 5'-[target][pam]-3'
def check_target(seq: str, target_len: int) -> bool:
Check targets for guidelength and DNA bases
seq (str): A DNA string
target_len(int): Guide length
bool: True or False
if len(seq) == target_len and all(letters in ['A', 'T', 'C', 'G'] for letters in seq): # if not ATCG in the target then ignore those targets
return True
return False
def run_for_5p(pam_pattern: str, dnaseq: str, target_len: int) -> Generator:
Search for guides with 5prime pam orientation in the forward strand
pam_pattern (str): A DNA string representing PAM
dnaseq (str): A DNA string representing genome
target_len (int): Guide length
(Generator): A generator with target_seq, exact_pam, start, stop, strand, and pam_orientation
for match_obj in regex.finditer(pattern=pam_pattern, string=dnaseq, overlapped=True):
target_seq = dnaseq[match_obj.end(): match_obj.end() + target_len]
target_seq30 = dnaseq[match_obj.start()-3: match_obj.start()+27]
## 5'-[guide of 25 nt][exact pam, 3nt][next two]-3'
if check_target(target_seq, target_len):
exact_pam =
start = match_obj.end()
stop = match_obj.end() + target_len
# 5prime =True, 3prime = False
pam_orientation = True
# forward =True, reverse = False
strand = True
yield target_seq, exact_pam, start, stop, strand, pam_orientation, target_seq30
def run_for_3p(pam_pattern, dnaseq, target_len) -> Generator:
Search for guides with 3prime pam orientation in the reverse strand
pam_pattern (str): A DNA string representing PAM
dnaseq (str): A DNA string representing genome
target_len (int): Guide length
(Generator): A generator with target_seq, exact_pam, start, stop, strand, and pam_orientation
for match_obj in regex.finditer(pattern=pam_pattern, string=dnaseq, overlapped=True):
target_seq = dnaseq[match_obj.start() - target_len: match_obj.start()]
target_seq30 = dnaseq[match_obj.end()-27 :match_obj.end()+3]
if check_target(target_seq, target_len):
exact_pam =
start = match_obj.start() - target_len
stop = match_obj.start()
# 5prime =True, 3prime = False
pam_orientation = False
# forward =True, reverse = False
strand = True
yield target_seq, exact_pam, start, stop, strand, pam_orientation, target_seq30
def run_rev_5p(pam_pattern, dnaseq, target_len) -> Generator:
Search for guides with 5prime pam orientation in the reverse strand
pam_pattern (str): A DNA string representing PAM
dnaseq (str): A DNA string representing genome
target_len (int): Guide length
(Generator): A generator with target_seq, exact_pam, start, stop, strand, and pam_orientation
for match_obj in regex.finditer(pattern=pam_pattern, string=dnaseq, overlapped=True):
target_seq = reverse_complement(
dnaseq[match_obj.start() - target_len: match_obj.start()])
target_seq30 = reverse_complement(
if check_target(target_seq, target_len):
exact_pam = reverse_complement(
start = match_obj.start() - target_len
stop = match_obj.start()
# 5prime =True, 3prime = False
pam_orientation = True
# forward =True, reverse = False
strand = False
yield target_seq, exact_pam, start, stop, strand, pam_orientation, target_seq30
def run_rev_3p(pam_pattern, dnaseq, target_len) -> Generator:
Search for guides with 3prime pam orientation in the reverse strand
pam_pattern (str): A DNA string representing PAM
dnaseq (str): A DNA string representing genome
target_len (int): Guide length
(Generator): A generator with target_seq, exact_pam, start, stop, strand, and pam_orientation
for match_obj in regex.finditer(pattern=pam_pattern, string=dnaseq, overlapped=True):
target_seq = reverse_complement(
dnaseq[match_obj.end(): match_obj.end() + target_len])
target_seq30 = reverse_complement(dnaseq[match_obj.start()-3:match_obj.start()+27])
if check_target(target_seq, target_len):
exact_pam = reverse_complement(
start = match_obj.end()
stop = match_obj.end() + target_len
# 5prime =True, 3prime = False
pam_orientation = False
# forward =True, reverse = False
strand = False
yield target_seq, exact_pam, start, stop, strand, pam_orientation, target_seq30
target_list = []
for record in seq_record_iter:
record_id =
seq = str(record.seq)
if self.pam_orientation == "5prime":
# forward
for5p = pd.DataFrame(run_for_5p(pam2re(self.pam), seq, target_len), columns=[
"target", "exact_pam", "start", "stop", "strand", "pam_orientation", "target_seq30"])
for5p["seqid"] = record_id
# string to boolean conversion is not straight - as all string were set to Trues- so change the encoding in functions above.
for5p = for5p.astype({"target": 'str', "exact_pam": 'category', "start": 'uint32',
"stop": 'uint32', "strand": 'bool', "pam_orientation": 'bool', "seqid": 'category'})
# reverse
rev5p = pd.DataFrame(run_rev_5p(pam2re(reverse_complement(self.pam)), seq, target_len), columns=[
"target", "exact_pam", "start", "stop", "strand", "pam_orientation","target_seq30"])
rev5p["seqid"] = record_id
rev5p = rev5p.astype({"target": 'str', "exact_pam": 'category', "start": 'uint32',
"stop": 'uint32', "strand": 'bool', "pam_orientation": 'bool', "seqid": 'category'})
# Question? Append directly vs. concat then append?
elif self.pam_orientation == "3prime":
# forward
for3p = pd.DataFrame(run_for_3p(pam2re(self.pam), seq, target_len), columns=[
"target", "exact_pam", "start", "stop", "strand", "pam_orientation","target_seq30"])
for3p["seqid"] = record_id
for3p = for3p.astype({"target": 'str', "exact_pam": 'category', "start": 'uint32',
"stop": 'uint32', "strand": 'bool', "pam_orientation": 'bool', "seqid": 'category'})
# reverse
rev3p = pd.DataFrame(run_rev_3p(pam2re(reverse_complement(self.pam)), seq, target_len), columns=[
"target", "exact_pam", "start", "stop", "strand", "pam_orientation","target_seq30"])
rev3p["seqid"] = record_id
rev3p = rev3p.astype({"target": 'str', "exact_pam": 'category', "start": 'uint32',
"stop": 'uint32', "strand": 'bool', "pam_orientation": 'bool', "seqid": 'category'})
gc.collect() # clear memory after each chromosome
df_targets = pd.concat(target_list, ignore_index=True)
df_targets = df_targets.assign(seedseq=np.nan, hasrestrictionsite=np.nan, isseedduplicated=np.nan)
df_targets = df_targets.astype({"seedseq": 'str', "isseedduplicated": 'bool'})
df_targets = df_targets.assign(dtype=self.dtype)
df_targets = df_targets.astype({"dtype": 'category'})
return df_targets
class TargetProcessor:
A Class representing a set of guide RNA targets.
The class includes all targets in a dataframe, methods to process target and a dict with edit distances for sequences.
def __init__(self, targets: PandasDataFrame, lsr: int, editdist: int = 2, knum: int = 2) -> None:
TargetProcessor __init__
targets (PandasDataFrame): Dataframe with output from class PamTarget
lsr (int): Length of seed region
editdist (int): Edit distance
knum (int): Number of negative controls
self.targets = targets # pandas dataframe
self.lsr: int = lsr # length of seed region
self.editdist: int = editdist
self.knum: int = knum
self.nmslib_index: object = None
self.neighbors: dict = {}
self.closest_neighbor_df: PandasDataFrame = None
self.ncontrolsearched: int = None
self.gc_percent: float = None
self.genomesize: float = None
self.pam_orientation: bool = targets['pam_orientation'].iat[0]
def __str__(self) -> None:
str __init__
info = "TargetList: contains a set of {} potential PAM targets".format(len(self.targets))
return info
def __len__(self) -> int:
len __init__ to display length of self.targets
(int): Length of the self.targets
return len(self.targets)
def check_restriction_enzymes(self, restriction_enzyme_list: list = []) -> None:
Check for restriction enzymes and its reverse complement within gRNA sequence
restriction_enzyme_list (list): A list with sequence for restriction enzymes
element_to_exclude = []
for record in set(restriction_enzyme_list):
for letter in record.upper():
assert letter in ['A', 'C', 'G', 'T', 'M', 'R', 'W',
'S', 'Y', 'K', 'V', 'H', 'D', 'B', 'X', 'N']
record_seq = Seq.Seq(record.upper())
str(record_seq.reverse_complement()))) # reverse complement
element_to_exclude = sum(element_to_exclude, []) # flatout list of list to list with restriction enzyme sites
if len(element_to_exclude) > 0:
self.targets['hasrestrictionsite'] = self.targets['target'].str.contains('|'.join(element_to_exclude))
self.targets['hasrestrictionsite'] = False
def _one_hot_encode(self, seq_list: List[object]) -> List[str]:
"""One hot encode Target DNA as a binary string representation for NMSLIB."""
charmap = {'A': '1 0 0 0', 'C': '0 1 0 0', 'G': '0 0 1 0', 'T': '0 0 0 1'}
def seq_to_bin(seq):
charlist = [charmap[letter] for letter in seq]
return " ".join(charlist)
return list(map(seq_to_bin, seq_list))
def find_unique_near_pam(self) -> None:
Identify unique sequences in the target list
The function filters a list of Target objects for targets that
are unique in the region closest to the PAM. The region length is defined
by the lsr (length of seed region that need to be unique).
lsr (int): Length of seed region that is close to PAM
def _get_prox(tseq): # get target sequence as input
if self.pam_orientation == True: # 5prime = True 3prime=False
if self.lsr == 0:
return tseq
return tseq[0:self.lsr]
elif self.pam_orientation == False: # 5prime = True 3prime=False
if self.lsr == 0:
return tseq
return tseq[(len(tseq) - self.lsr):]
self.targets = deepcopy(self.targets)
self.targets.loc[:, 'seedseq'] = self.targets.loc[:, 'target'].apply(_get_prox)
self.targets.loc[:, 'isseedduplicated'] = self.targets.loc[:, 'seedseq'].duplicated()
def create_index(self, configpath: str, num_threads=2):
Create nmslib index
Converts self.targets to binary one hot encoding and returns NMSLIB index
num_threads (int): cpu threads
configpath (str): Path to config file which contains hyper parameters for NMSLIB
M (int): Controls the number of bi-directional links created for each element
during index construction. Higher values lead to better results at the expense
of memory consumption. Typical values are 2 -100, but for most datasets a
range of 12 -48 is suitable. Can’t be smaller than 2.
efC (int): Size of the dynamic list used during construction. A larger value means
a better quality index, but increases build time. Should be an integer value
between 1 and the size of the dataset.
None (but writes NMSLIB index to self)
with open(configpath) as cf:
config = yaml.safe_load(cf)
M, efC, post = config['NMSLIB']['M'], config['NMSLIB']['efc'], config['NMSLIB']['post']
# index everything but not duplicates
notduplicated_targets = list(set(self.targets['target'].tolist()))"unique targets for index: %s" % len(notduplicated_targets))
if self.targets['dtype'].iat[0] == "hamming":
bintargets = self._one_hot_encode(notduplicated_targets)
index_params = {'M': M, 'indexThreadQty': num_threads, 'efConstruction': efC, 'post': post}
index = nmslib.init(space='bit_hamming',
index.addDataPointBatch(bintargets) # notduplicated_targets
index.createIndex(index_params, print_progress=True)
self.nmslib_index = index
bintargets = notduplicated_targets
index_params = {'M': M, 'indexThreadQty': num_threads, 'efConstruction': efC, 'post': post}
index = nmslib.init(space='leven',
index.addDataPointBatch(bintargets) # notduplicated_targets
index.createIndex(index_params, print_progress=True)
self.nmslib_index = index
def get_neighbors(self, configpath, num_threads=2) -> None:
Get nearest neighbors for sequences removing sequences that
have neighbors less than the Hamming distance threshold.
For the list of all targets calculate the (knum) nearest neighbors.
filter out targets with close neighbors and
Writes a dictionary to self.neighbors:
self.neighbors[seq]{target: seq_obj, neighbors: {seqs:[s1, s1, ...], dist:[d1, d1,...]}}
configpath (str): Path to a parameter config file
num_threads (int): Number of threads
with open(configpath) as cf:
config = yaml.safe_load(cf)
ef = config['NMSLIB']['ef']
# unique_targets = self.targets.loc[self.targets['isseedduplicated']
# == False]['target'].tolist()
# For indexing we need to use all targets -- for checking off-targets. For searching neighbours remove seed duplicated and one wiht restriction site.
unique_targets = self.targets.loc[(self.targets['isseedduplicated']==False) | (self.targets['hasrestrictionsite']==False)]['target'].tolist()
if self.targets['dtype'].iat[0] == "hamming":
unique_bintargets = self._one_hot_encode(unique_targets) # search unique seed one
unique_bintargets = unique_targets
self.nmslib_index.setQueryTimeParams({'efSearch': ef})
results_list = self.nmslib_index.knnQueryBatch(unique_bintargets,
k=self.knum, num_threads=num_threads)
neighbor_dict = {}
for i, entry in enumerate(results_list):
queryseq = unique_targets[i]
hitseqidx = entry[0].tolist()
editdist = entry[1].tolist()
if self.targets['dtype'].iat[0] == "hamming":
# check that the closest sequence meets the min. dist. requirment. We multiply by 2 b/c each
# base is one hot encoded. e.g. 1000 vs 0100 = 2 differences
if editdist[1] >= 2 * self.editdist:
neighbors = {"seqs": [self.targets['target'].values[x] for x in hitseqidx], # reverse this?
"dist": [int(x / 2) for x in editdist]}
neighbor_dict[queryseq] = {"target": unique_targets[i],
"neighbors": neighbors}
if editdist[1] >= self.editdist:
neighbors = {"seqs": [self.targets['target'].values[x] for x in hitseqidx], # reverse this?
"dist": [int(x) for x in editdist]}
neighbor_dict[queryseq] = {"target": unique_targets[i],
"neighbors": neighbors}
self.neighbors = neighbor_dict
def export_bed(self) -> object:
Export the targets in self.neighbors to a bed format file
file (str): the name and location of file to export
(obj): A Pandas Dataframe in Bed format
# df = self.targets.copy()
# why deepcopy -
# select only guides that are not duplecated in the seedseq
df = deepcopy(self.targets.loc[self.targets['isseedduplicated'] == False])
df = df[["seqid", "start", "stop", "target", "strand"]]
df.loc[:, 'strand'] = df.loc[:, 'strand'].apply(lambda x: '+' if x == True else '-')
df.columns = ["chrom", "chromstart", "chromend", "name", "strand"]
df.sort_values(by=['chrom', 'chromstart'], inplace=True)
return df
def get_control_seqs(self, seq_record_iter: object, configpath, length: int = 20, n: int = 10,
num_threads: int = 2) -> PandasDataFrame:
Create random sequences with a specified GC probability and find seqs with the greatest
distance to any sequence flanking a PAM site
seq_record_iter (Bio.SeqIO): An iterator of fastas
length (int): Length of the sequence, must match the index
n (int): Number of sequences to return
num_threads (int): Number of processor threads
(PandasDataFrame): A pandas dataframe with control sequence
with open(configpath) as cf:
config = yaml.safe_load(cf)
# search_mult (int): search this times n sequences
# get GC percent
totlen = 0
gccnt = 0
for record in seq_record_iter:
gccnt += GC(record.seq) * len(record)
totlen += len(record)
gc = gccnt / (totlen * 100)
self.gc_percent = gc * 100
self.genomesize = totlen / (1024 * 1024)
minimum_hmdist = 0
sm_count = 0
search_mult = 0
while minimum_hmdist < MINIMUM_HMDIST or search_mult == MAX_CONTROL_SEARCH_MULTIPLE:
# generate random sequences
seqs = []
search_mult = CONTROL_SEARCH_MULTIPLE[sm_count]
for i in range(n * search_mult):
seqs.append("".join(np.random.choice(a=["G", "C", "A", "T"], size=length,
replace=True, p=[gc / 2, gc / 2, (1 - gc) / 2, (1 - gc) / 2])))
# one hot encode sequences
binseq = []
charmap = {'A': '1 0 0 0', 'C': '0 1 0 0', 'G': '0 0 1 0', 'T': '0 0 0 1'}
for seq in seqs:
if self.targets['dtype'].iat[0] == "hamming":
charlist = [charmap[letter] for letter in seq]
binseq.append(" ".join(charlist))
else: # leven
rand_seqs = self.nmslib_index.knnQueryBatch(binseq, k=2, num_threads=num_threads)
distlist = []
for i in rand_seqs:
zipped = list(zip(seqs, distlist))
dist_seqs = sorted(zipped, reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[1])
sort_seq = [item[0] for item in dist_seqs][0:n]
if self.targets['dtype'].iat[0] == "hamming":
sort_dist = [item[1] / 2 for item in dist_seqs][0:n] ### ? does divide by 2 holds for leven???
sort_dist = [item[1] for item in dist_seqs][0:n] ### ? does divide by 2 holds for leven???
minimum_hmdist = int(min(sort_dist))
sm_count += 1
except IndexError as e:
raise e
total_ncontrolsearched = search_mult * n
self.ncontrolsearched = total_ncontrolsearched
randomdf = pd.DataFrame(data={"Sequences": sort_seq, "Hamming distance": sort_dist})
def create_name(seq):
return "Cont-" + hashlib.md5(seq.encode()).hexdigest()
randomdf['name'] = randomdf["Sequences"].apply(create_name)
randomdf = randomdf[["name", "Sequences", "Hamming distance"]]
return (min(sort_dist),
class Annotation:
Annotation class for data and methods on targets and gene annotations.
def __init__(self, annotation_list: List[str], annotation_type: str, target_bed_df: object) -> None:
Annotation class for data and methods on targets and gene annotations
annotation_list (List[str]): A list of genbank files from a single genome
annotation_type (str): "genbank" | "gff"
target_bed_df (object): A pandas dataframe in Bed format with the
locations of targets in the genome
self.annotation_list: List[str] = annotation_list
self.annotation_type = annotation_type
self.target_bed_df: object = target_bed_df
self.genbank_bed_df: object = None
self.feature_dict: Dict = None
self.nearby: object = None
self.filtered_df: object = None
self.qualifiers: object = None
def check_annotation_type(self):
"""determine if the file provided by the GFF argument is a GFF or GTF file
Args: None
Returns (str): ["gff" | "gtf"]
def search(f):
line1 = f.readline()
gffmatch ="gff-version", line1)
if gffmatch is not None:
return "gff"
gtfmatch ="gtf-version", line1)
if gtfmatch is not None:
return "gtf"
testfile = self.annotation_list[0]
if is_gzip(testfile):
with, 'rt') as f:
return search(f)
with open(testfile, 'r') as f:
return search(f)
def get_annotation_features(self, feature_types: List[str] = None) -> None:
Parse annotation records into pandas DF/Bed format and dict format saving to self
feature_types (List[str]): a list of Genbank feature types to use
if feature_types is None:
feature_types = ["CDS"]
feature_dict = {}
pddict = dict(chrom=[], chromStart=[], chromEnd=[], name=[], strand=[])
if self.annotation_type == "genbank":
for gbfile in self.annotation_list:
if is_gzip(gbfile):
f =, mode='rt')
f = open(gbfile, mode='r')
except IOError as e:
logger.error("The genbank file %s could not be opened" % gbfile)
raise e
genbank_file = SeqIO.parse(f, "genbank")
for entry in genbank_file:
for record in entry.features:
if record.type in feature_types:
if record.strand in [1, -1, "+", "-"]:
pddict["strand"].append("-" if str(record.strand) in ['-1', '-' ] else "+")
featid = hashlib.md5(str(record).encode()).hexdigest()
for qualifier_key, qualifier_val in record.qualifiers.items():
if not qualifier_key in feature_dict:
feature_dict[qualifier_key] = {}
feature_dict[qualifier_key][featid] = qualifier_val
genbankbed = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(pddict)
self.genbank_bed_df = genbankbed
self.feature_dict = feature_dict
elif self.annotation_type == "gff":
anno_format = self.check_annotation_type()
for gff in self.annotation_list:
bedfile = BedTool(gff)
for rec in bedfile:
if rec[2] in feature_types:
featid = hashlib.md5(str(rec).encode()).hexdigest()
featlist = rec[8].split(';')
for feat in featlist:
if feat.isspace():
if anno_format == 'gtf':
fl ='^[^"]*', feat)
fv ='"([^"]*)"', feat)
feat_key =
feat_val ='"')
elif anno_format =='gff':
fl = feat.split('=')
feat_key = fl[0]
feat_val = fl[1]
if not feat_key in feature_dict:
feature_dict[feat_key] = {}
feature_dict[feat_key][featid] = feat_val
genbankbed = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(pddict)
self.genbank_bed_df = genbankbed
self.feature_dict = feature_dict
def _get_qualifiers(self, configpath, excluded: List[str] = None) -> object:
Create a dataframe with features and their qualifier values
Create a dataframe with features and their qualifier values for
all qualifiers over the minimum threshold (except 'translation'). Add
to self.qualifiers
min_prop (float): A float between 0-1 representing the fraction of
features the qualifier must be present in to be included in the dataframe
excluded (List(str)): A list of genbank qualifiers to exclude, Default ["translation"]
with open(configpath) as cf:
config = yaml.safe_load(cf)
min_prop = config['MINIMUM_PROPORTION']
if excluded is None:
excluded = ["translation"]
final_quals = []
qual_df = pd.DataFrame(data={"Feature id": []})
for featkey, quals in self.feature_dict.items():
if len(quals) / len(self.feature_dict[featkey]) > min_prop:
for qualifier in final_quals:
if qualifier not in excluded:
featlist = []
quallist = []
for feat, qual in self.feature_dict[qualifier].items():
if isinstance(qual, list):
quallist.append(";".join([str(i) for i in qual]))
tempdf = pd.DataFrame({'Feature id': featlist, qualifier: quallist})
qual_df = qual_df.merge(tempdf, how="outer", on="Feature id")
self.qualifiers = qual_df
def _get_nearby_features(self) -> None:
Adds downstream information to the given target sequences and mapping information
Writes a dataframe of nearby features to self.nearby
# Import Features and sort by chromosome and then by start position in ascending order
featurebed = BedTool.from_dataframe(self.genbank_bed_df)
featurebed = featurebed.sort()
# import guide files and sort by chromosome and then by start position in ascending order
mapbed = BedTool.from_dataframe(self.target_bed_df)
mapbed = mapbed.sort()
# get feature downstream of target sequence
downstream = mapbed.closest(featurebed, d=True, fd=True, D="a", t="first")
# get feature upstream of target sequence
upstream = mapbed.closest(featurebed, d=True, id=True, D="a", t="first")
headers = {0: "Accession", 1: "Guide start", 2: "Guide end", 3: "Guide sequence",
4: "Guide strand", 5: "Feature Accession", 6: "Feature start", 7: "Feature end", 8: "Feature id",
9: "Feature strand", 10: "Feature distance"}
downstream: pd.DataFrame = downstream.to_dataframe(disable_auto_names=True, header=None)
downstream['direction'] = 'downstream'
upstream = upstream.to_dataframe(disable_auto_names=True, header=None)
upstream['direction'] = 'upstream'
upstream = upstream.append(downstream)
self.nearby = upstream.rename(columns=headers)
def _filter_features(self, before_feat: int = 100, after_feat: int = 200 ) -> None:
Merge targets with Feature list and filter for guides close enough to interact.
before_feat (int): The maximum distance before the start of a feature measured from closest point to guide
after_feat (int): The maximum distance after the start codon (into the gene)
# for guides in the same orientation as the targets ( +/+ or -/-) select guides that are within
# before_feat of the gene start
filtered_df = self.nearby.query(
'`Guide strand` == `Feature strand` and 0 < `Feature distance` < @before_feat')
# for guides in the +/+ orientation select guides where the end is within [before_feat] of the gene start
filtered_df = filtered_df.append(self.nearby.query('`Guide strand` == "+" and `Feature strand` == "+" \
and `Feature distance` == 0 and \
`Guide end` - `Feature start` < @after_feat'))
# for guides in the -/- orientation select guides where the end is within [before_feat] of the gene start
filtered_df = filtered_df.append(self.nearby.query('`Guide strand` == "-" and `Feature strand` == "-" \
and `Feature distance` == 0 \
and `Feature end` - `Guide start` < @after_feat'))
# Select guides where target is + and guide is - and the guide is infront of the gene
filtered_df = filtered_df.append(self.nearby.query('`Guide strand` == "-" and `Feature strand` == "+" and \
0 <`Feature start` - `Guide end` < @before_feat'))
# Select guides where target is - and guide is + and the guide is infront of the gene
filtered_df = filtered_df.append(self.nearby.query('`Guide strand` == "+" and `Feature strand` == "-" and \
0 <`Guide start` - `Feature end` < @before_feat'))
# Select guides where target is + and guide is - and the guide is is within [before_feat] of the gene start
filtered_df = filtered_df.append(self.nearby.query('`Guide strand` == "-" and `Feature strand` == "+" and \
0 <`Guide end` -`Feature start` < @after_feat'))
# Select guides where target is - and guide is + and the guide is is within [before_feat] of the gene start
filtered_df = filtered_df.append(self.nearby.query('`Guide strand` == "+" and `Feature strand` == "-" and \
0 <`Feature end` - `Guide start` < @after_feat'))
self.filtered_df = filtered_df
def _format_guide_table(self, targetprocessor_object) -> PandasDataFrame:
Create guide table for output
target- a dataframe with targets from targetclass
(PandasDataFrame): A formated pandas dataframe
def gc(seq):
cnt = 0
for letter in seq:
if letter in ["G", "C"]:
cnt += 1
return cnt / len(seq)
def get_guide_hash(seq):
return hashlib.md5(seq.encode()).hexdigest()
def checklen30(seq):
if len(seq) == 30:
return True
return False
def get_off_target_score(seq):
dlist = targetprocessor_object.neighbors[seq]["neighbors"]["dist"]
s = [str(i) for i in dlist]
return ";".join(s)
def get_off_target_seqs(seq):
slist = targetprocessor_object.neighbors[seq]["neighbors"]["seqs"]
return ";".join(slist)
pretty_df = deepcopy(self.filtered_df) # anno class object
# retrive only guides that are in neighbors keys.
pretty_df = pretty_df[pretty_df["Guide sequence"].isin(
pretty_df['GC'] = pretty_df['Guide sequence'].apply(gc)
pretty_df['Guide name'] = pretty_df['Guide sequence'].apply(get_guide_hash)
pretty_df['Target strand'] = np.where(
pretty_df['Guide strand'] == pretty_df['Feature strand'], 'coding', 'non-coding')
pretty_df['Similar guide distances'] = pretty_df['Guide sequence'].apply(
pretty_df['Similar guides'] = pretty_df['Guide sequence'].apply(get_off_target_seqs)
pretty_df = pd.merge(pretty_df, targetprocessor_object.targets, how="left",
left_on=['Guide sequence', 'Guide start', 'Guide end', 'Accession'],
right_on=['target', 'start', 'stop', 'seqid'])
# rename exact_pam to PAM
pretty_df = pretty_df.rename(columns={"exact_pam": "PAM"})
pretty_df = pretty_df[['Guide name', 'Guide sequence', 'GC', 'dtype', 'Accession', 'Guide start', 'Guide end',
'Guide strand', 'PAM', 'Feature id',
'Feature start', 'Feature end', 'Feature strand',
'Feature distance', 'Similar guides', 'Similar guide distances','target_seq30']]
pretty_df = pretty_df.merge(self.qualifiers, how="left", on="Feature id")
pretty_df = pretty_df.sort_values(by=['Accession', 'Feature start'])
# to match with the numbering with other tools- offset
pretty_df['Guide start'] = pretty_df['Guide start'] + 1
pretty_df['Feature start'] = pretty_df['Feature start'] + 1
self.pretty_df = pretty_df
def _filterlocus(self, filter_by_locus:list = []) -> PandasDataFrame:
Create guide table for output for a selected locus_tag
target- a dataframe with targets from targetclass
(PandasDataFrame): A formated pandas dataframe
df = deepcopy(self.pretty_df) # anno class object
if len (filter_by_locus) > 0:
df = df[df['locus_tag'].isin(filter_by_locus)]
return df
def locuslen(self) -> int:
Count the number of locus tag in the genebank file
(int): Number of locus tag
locus_count = len(self.feature_dict['locus_tag' or 'locus'].keys())
class GuideMakerPlot:
A class with functions to plot guides over genome cooridinates.
def __init__(self, prettydf: PandasDataFrame, outdir: str) -> None:
GuideMakerPlot class for visualizing distrubution of gRNA, features, and locus.
prettydf (PandasDataFrame): Final output from GuideMaker
outdir (str): Output Directory
self.prettydf = prettydf
self.accession = list(set(self.prettydf['Accession']))
def _singleplot(df):
Returns guidemaker plot describing PAM targets
df(PandasDataFrame): Final output from GuideMaker for a single accession
source = df
brush = alt.selection(type='interval', encodings=['x'])
binNum = int(round(source['Feature end'].max() / 200, 0))
display_info = source.columns.tolist()
# Feature density
densityF = alt.Chart(source).transform_density(
'Feature start',
as_=['Feature start', 'Feature Density'],
extent=[1, source['Feature end'].max()],
).mark_area(color='black', opacity=0.6).encode(
x=alt.X('Feature start', axis=alt.Axis(title='Genome Coordinates (bp)', tickCount=5)),
y='Feature Density:Q',
).properties(height=50, width=500)
# Guide density
densityG = alt.Chart(source).transform_density(
'Guide start',
as_=['Guide start', 'Guide Density'],
extent=[1, source['Feature end'].max()],
).mark_area(color='pink', opacity=0.6).encode(
x=alt.X('Guide start', axis=alt.Axis(title='Genome Coordinates (bp)', tickCount=5)),
y='Guide Density:Q',
).properties(height=50, width=500).add_selection(brush)
# locus bar
locus = alt.Chart(source).mark_bar(cornerRadiusTopLeft=3, cornerRadiusTopRight=3).encode(
y=alt.Y('locus_tag', axis=alt.Axis(title='Locus')),
).interactive().properties(height=500, width=500)
guidemakerChart = (densityF & densityG & locus)
for accession in self.accession:
df = self.prettydf[self.prettydf['Accession'] == accession]
accession_plot = _singleplot(df)
plot_file_name = f"{outdir}/{accession}.html"
def get_fastas(filelist, input_format="genbank", tempdir=None):
Saves a Fasta and from 1 or more Genbank files (may be gzipped)
filelist (str): Genbank file to process
fastpath = os.path.join(tempdir, "forward.fasta")
with open(fastpath, "w") as f1:
for file in filelist:
if is_gzip(file):
with, 'rt') as f:
records = SeqIO.parse(f, input_format)
SeqIO.write(records, f1, "fasta")
with open(file, 'r') as f:
records = (SeqIO.parse(f, input_format))
SeqIO.write(records, f1, "fasta")
return fastpath
except Exception as e:
logger.exception("An error occurred in the input file %s" % file)
raise e
def extend_ambiguous_dna(seq: str) -> List[str]:
Return list of all possible sequences given an ambiguous DNA input
seq(str): A DNA string
List[str]: A list of DNA string with expanded ambiguous DNA values
ambiguous_dna_values = {
"A": "A",
"C": "C",
"G": "G",
"T": "T",
"M": "AC",
"R": "AG",
"W": "AT",
"S": "CG",
"Y": "CT",
"K": "GT",
"V": "ACG",
"H": "ACT",
"D": "AGT",
"B": "CGT",
"X": "GATC",
"N": "GATC",
extend_list = []
for i in product(*[ambiguous_dna_values[j] for j in seq]):
return extend_list
# add CDF and Doench Azimuth scores
def cfd_score(df):
def cfd_calculator(knnstrlist, guide, mm_scores):
knnlist = knnstrlist.split(';')
for item in knnlist:
result=cfd_score_calculator.calc_cfd(guide, item, mm_scores=mm_scores)
s = [str(i) for i in cfd_list]
return s
def get_max_cfd(cfdlist):
newlist = [float(x) for x in cfdlist]
maxcfd = newlist[-1]
mm_scores, _ = cfd_score_calculator.get_mm_pam_scores()
df['CFD Similar Guides'] = df.apply(lambda x: cfd_calculator(x['Similar guides'], x['Guide sequence'], mm_scores=mm_scores), axis=1)
# Add a column with max CFD score
df['Max CFD'] = df['CFD Similar Guides'].apply(get_max_cfd)
return df
def get_doench_efficiency_score(df, pam_orientation, num_threads=1):
if pam_orientation == "3prime" and set(df.PAM)==checkset:
doenchscore = doench_predict.predict(np.array(df.target_seq30), num_threads=num_threads)
df["Efficiency"] = doenchscore
logger.warning("NOTE: doench_efficiency_score based on Doench et al. 2016 - can only be used for NGG PAM).Check PAM sequence and PAM orientation")
df["Efficiency"] = "Not Available"
return df.drop('target_seq30', axis=1)
def cfd_score(df)
Expand source code
def cfd_score(df): def cfd_calculator(knnstrlist, guide, mm_scores): knnlist = knnstrlist.split(';') cfd_list=[] for item in knnlist: result=cfd_score_calculator.calc_cfd(guide, item, mm_scores=mm_scores) cfd_list.append(result) s = [str(i) for i in cfd_list] return s def get_max_cfd(cfdlist): newlist = [float(x) for x in cfdlist] newlist.sort() maxcfd = newlist[-1] return(maxcfd) mm_scores, _ = cfd_score_calculator.get_mm_pam_scores() df['CFD Similar Guides'] = df.apply(lambda x: cfd_calculator(x['Similar guides'], x['Guide sequence'], mm_scores=mm_scores), axis=1) # Add a column with max CFD score df['Max CFD'] = df['CFD Similar Guides'].apply(get_max_cfd) return df
def extend_ambiguous_dna(seq: str) ‑> List[str]
Return list of all possible sequences given an ambiguous DNA input
seq(str): A DNA string
List[str]: A list of DNA string with expanded ambiguous DNA values
Expand source code
def extend_ambiguous_dna(seq: str) -> List[str]: """ Return list of all possible sequences given an ambiguous DNA input Args: seq(str): A DNA string Return: List[str]: A list of DNA string with expanded ambiguous DNA values """ ambiguous_dna_values = { "A": "A", "C": "C", "G": "G", "T": "T", "M": "AC", "R": "AG", "W": "AT", "S": "CG", "Y": "CT", "K": "GT", "V": "ACG", "H": "ACT", "D": "AGT", "B": "CGT", "X": "GATC", "N": "GATC", } extend_list = [] for i in product(*[ambiguous_dna_values[j] for j in seq]): extend_list.append("".join(i)) return extend_list
def get_doench_efficiency_score(df, pam_orientation, num_threads=1)
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def get_doench_efficiency_score(df, pam_orientation, num_threads=1): checkset={'AGG','CGG','TGG','GGG'} if pam_orientation == "3prime" and set(df.PAM)==checkset: doenchscore = doench_predict.predict(np.array(df.target_seq30), num_threads=num_threads) df["Efficiency"] = doenchscore else: logger.warning("NOTE: doench_efficiency_score based on Doench et al. 2016 - can only be used for NGG PAM).Check PAM sequence and PAM orientation") df["Efficiency"] = "Not Available" return df.drop('target_seq30', axis=1)
def get_fastas(filelist, input_format='genbank', tempdir=None)
Saves a Fasta and from 1 or more Genbank files (may be gzipped)
- Genbank file to process
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def get_fastas(filelist, input_format="genbank", tempdir=None): """ Saves a Fasta and from 1 or more Genbank files (may be gzipped) Args: filelist (str): Genbank file to process Returns: None """ try: fastpath = os.path.join(tempdir, "forward.fasta") with open(fastpath, "w") as f1: for file in filelist: if is_gzip(file): with, 'rt') as f: records = SeqIO.parse(f, input_format) SeqIO.write(records, f1, "fasta") else: with open(file, 'r') as f: records = (SeqIO.parse(f, input_format)) SeqIO.write(records, f1, "fasta") return fastpath except Exception as e: logger.exception("An error occurred in the input file %s" % file) raise e
def is_gzip(filename: str)
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def is_gzip(filename: str): try: with open(filename, "rb") as f:"check if %s is gzipped" % filename) return == b'\x1f\x8b' except IOError as e: logger.error("Could not open the file %s to determine if it was gzipped" % filename) raise e
class Annotation (annotation_list: List[str], annotation_type: str, target_bed_df: object)
Annotation class for data and methods on targets and gene annotations.
Annotation class for data and methods on targets and gene annotations
- A list of genbank files from a single genome
- "genbank" | "gff"
- A pandas dataframe in Bed format with the locations of targets in the genome
Expand source code
class Annotation: """ Annotation class for data and methods on targets and gene annotations. """ def __init__(self, annotation_list: List[str], annotation_type: str, target_bed_df: object) -> None: """ Annotation class for data and methods on targets and gene annotations Args: annotation_list (List[str]): A list of genbank files from a single genome annotation_type (str): "genbank" | "gff" target_bed_df (object): A pandas dataframe in Bed format with the locations of targets in the genome Returns: None """ self.annotation_list: List[str] = annotation_list self.annotation_type = annotation_type self.target_bed_df: object = target_bed_df self.genbank_bed_df: object = None self.feature_dict: Dict = None self.nearby: object = None self.filtered_df: object = None self.qualifiers: object = None def check_annotation_type(self): """determine if the file provided by the GFF argument is a GFF or GTF file Args: None Returns (str): ["gff" | "gtf"] """ def search(f): line1 = f.readline() gffmatch ="gff-version", line1) if gffmatch is not None: return "gff" gtfmatch ="gtf-version", line1) if gtfmatch is not None: return "gtf" testfile = self.annotation_list[0] if is_gzip(testfile): with, 'rt') as f: return search(f) else: with open(testfile, 'r') as f: return search(f) def get_annotation_features(self, feature_types: List[str] = None) -> None: """ Parse annotation records into pandas DF/Bed format and dict format saving to self Args: feature_types (List[str]): a list of Genbank feature types to use Returns: None """ if feature_types is None: feature_types = ["CDS"] feature_dict = {} pddict = dict(chrom=[], chromStart=[], chromEnd=[], name=[], strand=[]) if self.annotation_type == "genbank": for gbfile in self.annotation_list: try: if is_gzip(gbfile): f =, mode='rt') else: f = open(gbfile, mode='r') except IOError as e: logger.error("The genbank file %s could not be opened" % gbfile) raise e genbank_file = SeqIO.parse(f, "genbank") for entry in genbank_file: for record in entry.features: if record.type in feature_types: if record.strand in [1, -1, "+", "-"]: pddict["strand"].append("-" if str(record.strand) in ['-1', '-' ] else "+") featid = hashlib.md5(str(record).encode()).hexdigest() pddict['chrom'].append( pddict["chromStart"].append(record.location.start.position) pddict["chromEnd"].append(record.location.end.position) pddict["name"].append(featid) for qualifier_key, qualifier_val in record.qualifiers.items(): if not qualifier_key in feature_dict: feature_dict[qualifier_key] = {} feature_dict[qualifier_key][featid] = qualifier_val genbankbed = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(pddict) self.genbank_bed_df = genbankbed self.feature_dict = feature_dict f.close() elif self.annotation_type == "gff": anno_format = self.check_annotation_type() for gff in self.annotation_list: bedfile = BedTool(gff) for rec in bedfile: if rec[2] in feature_types: pddict["chrom"].append(rec[0]) pddict["chromStart"].append(rec[3]) pddict["chromEnd"].append(rec[4]) pddict["strand"].append(rec[6]) featid = hashlib.md5(str(rec).encode()).hexdigest() pddict["name"].append(featid) featlist = rec[8].split(';') for feat in featlist: if feat.isspace(): continue if anno_format == 'gtf': fl ='^[^"]*', feat) fv ='"([^"]*)"', feat) feat_key = feat_val ='"') elif anno_format =='gff': fl = feat.split('=') feat_key = fl[0] feat_val = fl[1] if not feat_key in feature_dict: feature_dict[feat_key] = {} feature_dict[feat_key][featid] = feat_val genbankbed = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(pddict) self.genbank_bed_df = genbankbed self.feature_dict = feature_dict def _get_qualifiers(self, configpath, excluded: List[str] = None) -> object: """ Create a dataframe with features and their qualifier values Create a dataframe with features and their qualifier values for all qualifiers over the minimum threshold (except 'translation'). Add to self.qualifiers Args: min_prop (float): A float between 0-1 representing the fraction of features the qualifier must be present in to be included in the dataframe excluded (List(str)): A list of genbank qualifiers to exclude, Default ["translation"] Returns: None """ with open(configpath) as cf: config = yaml.safe_load(cf) min_prop = config['MINIMUM_PROPORTION'] if excluded is None: excluded = ["translation"] final_quals = [] qual_df = pd.DataFrame(data={"Feature id": []}) for featkey, quals in self.feature_dict.items(): if len(quals) / len(self.feature_dict[featkey]) > min_prop: final_quals.append(featkey) for qualifier in final_quals: if qualifier not in excluded: featlist = [] quallist = [] for feat, qual in self.feature_dict[qualifier].items(): featlist.append(feat) if isinstance(qual, list): quallist.append(";".join([str(i) for i in qual])) else: quallist.append(qual) tempdf = pd.DataFrame({'Feature id': featlist, qualifier: quallist}) qual_df = qual_df.merge(tempdf, how="outer", on="Feature id") self.qualifiers = qual_df def _get_nearby_features(self) -> None: """ Adds downstream information to the given target sequences and mapping information Args: None Returns: None Note: Writes a dataframe of nearby features to self.nearby """ # Import Features and sort by chromosome and then by start position in ascending order featurebed = BedTool.from_dataframe(self.genbank_bed_df) featurebed = featurebed.sort() # import guide files and sort by chromosome and then by start position in ascending order mapbed = BedTool.from_dataframe(self.target_bed_df) mapbed = mapbed.sort() # get feature downstream of target sequence downstream = mapbed.closest(featurebed, d=True, fd=True, D="a", t="first") # get feature upstream of target sequence upstream = mapbed.closest(featurebed, d=True, id=True, D="a", t="first") headers = {0: "Accession", 1: "Guide start", 2: "Guide end", 3: "Guide sequence", 4: "Guide strand", 5: "Feature Accession", 6: "Feature start", 7: "Feature end", 8: "Feature id", 9: "Feature strand", 10: "Feature distance"} downstream: pd.DataFrame = downstream.to_dataframe(disable_auto_names=True, header=None) downstream['direction'] = 'downstream' upstream = upstream.to_dataframe(disable_auto_names=True, header=None) upstream['direction'] = 'upstream' upstream = upstream.append(downstream) self.nearby = upstream.rename(columns=headers) def _filter_features(self, before_feat: int = 100, after_feat: int = 200 ) -> None: """ Merge targets with Feature list and filter for guides close enough to interact. Args: before_feat (int): The maximum distance before the start of a feature measured from closest point to guide after_feat (int): The maximum distance after the start codon (into the gene) Returns: None """ # for guides in the same orientation as the targets ( +/+ or -/-) select guides that are within # before_feat of the gene start filtered_df = self.nearby.query( '`Guide strand` == `Feature strand` and 0 < `Feature distance` < @before_feat') # for guides in the +/+ orientation select guides where the end is within [before_feat] of the gene start filtered_df = filtered_df.append(self.nearby.query('`Guide strand` == "+" and `Feature strand` == "+" \ and `Feature distance` == 0 and \ `Guide end` - `Feature start` < @after_feat')) # for guides in the -/- orientation select guides where the end is within [before_feat] of the gene start filtered_df = filtered_df.append(self.nearby.query('`Guide strand` == "-" and `Feature strand` == "-" \ and `Feature distance` == 0 \ and `Feature end` - `Guide start` < @after_feat')) # Select guides where target is + and guide is - and the guide is infront of the gene filtered_df = filtered_df.append(self.nearby.query('`Guide strand` == "-" and `Feature strand` == "+" and \ 0 <`Feature start` - `Guide end` < @before_feat')) # Select guides where target is - and guide is + and the guide is infront of the gene filtered_df = filtered_df.append(self.nearby.query('`Guide strand` == "+" and `Feature strand` == "-" and \ 0 <`Guide start` - `Feature end` < @before_feat')) # Select guides where target is + and guide is - and the guide is is within [before_feat] of the gene start filtered_df = filtered_df.append(self.nearby.query('`Guide strand` == "-" and `Feature strand` == "+" and \ 0 <`Guide end` -`Feature start` < @after_feat')) # Select guides where target is - and guide is + and the guide is is within [before_feat] of the gene start filtered_df = filtered_df.append(self.nearby.query('`Guide strand` == "+" and `Feature strand` == "-" and \ 0 <`Feature end` - `Guide start` < @after_feat')) self.filtered_df = filtered_df def _format_guide_table(self, targetprocessor_object) -> PandasDataFrame: """ Create guide table for output Args: target- a dataframe with targets from targetclass Returns: (PandasDataFrame): A formated pandas dataframe """ def gc(seq): cnt = 0 for letter in seq: if letter in ["G", "C"]: cnt += 1 return cnt / len(seq) def get_guide_hash(seq): return hashlib.md5(seq.encode()).hexdigest() def checklen30(seq): if len(seq) == 30: return True return False def get_off_target_score(seq): dlist = targetprocessor_object.neighbors[seq]["neighbors"]["dist"] s = [str(i) for i in dlist] return ";".join(s) def get_off_target_seqs(seq): slist = targetprocessor_object.neighbors[seq]["neighbors"]["seqs"] return ";".join(slist) pretty_df = deepcopy(self.filtered_df) # anno class object # retrive only guides that are in neighbors keys. pretty_df = pretty_df[pretty_df["Guide sequence"].isin( list(targetprocessor_object.neighbors.keys()))] pretty_df['GC'] = pretty_df['Guide sequence'].apply(gc) pretty_df['Guide name'] = pretty_df['Guide sequence'].apply(get_guide_hash) pretty_df['Target strand'] = np.where( pretty_df['Guide strand'] == pretty_df['Feature strand'], 'coding', 'non-coding') pretty_df['Similar guide distances'] = pretty_df['Guide sequence'].apply( get_off_target_score) pretty_df['Similar guides'] = pretty_df['Guide sequence'].apply(get_off_target_seqs) pretty_df = pd.merge(pretty_df, targetprocessor_object.targets, how="left", left_on=['Guide sequence', 'Guide start', 'Guide end', 'Accession'], right_on=['target', 'start', 'stop', 'seqid']) # rename exact_pam to PAM pretty_df = pretty_df.rename(columns={"exact_pam": "PAM"}) pretty_df = pretty_df[['Guide name', 'Guide sequence', 'GC', 'dtype', 'Accession', 'Guide start', 'Guide end', 'Guide strand', 'PAM', 'Feature id', 'Feature start', 'Feature end', 'Feature strand', 'Feature distance', 'Similar guides', 'Similar guide distances','target_seq30']] pretty_df = pretty_df.merge(self.qualifiers, how="left", on="Feature id") pretty_df = pretty_df.sort_values(by=['Accession', 'Feature start']) # to match with the numbering with other tools- offset pretty_df['Guide start'] = pretty_df['Guide start'] + 1 pretty_df['Feature start'] = pretty_df['Feature start'] + 1 pretty_df=pretty_df.loc[pretty_df['target_seq30'].apply(checklen30)==True] self.pretty_df = pretty_df def _filterlocus(self, filter_by_locus:list = []) -> PandasDataFrame: """ Create guide table for output for a selected locus_tag Args: target- a dataframe with targets from targetclass Returns: (PandasDataFrame): A formated pandas dataframe """ df = deepcopy(self.pretty_df) # anno class object if len (filter_by_locus) > 0: df = df[df['locus_tag'].isin(filter_by_locus)] return df def locuslen(self) -> int: """ Count the number of locus tag in the genebank file Args: None Returns: (int): Number of locus tag """ locus_count = len(self.feature_dict['locus_tag' or 'locus'].keys()) return(locus_count)
def check_annotation_type(self)
determine if the file provided by the GFF argument is a GFF or GTF file
Args: None
Returns (str): ["gff" | "gtf"]
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def check_annotation_type(self): """determine if the file provided by the GFF argument is a GFF or GTF file Args: None Returns (str): ["gff" | "gtf"] """ def search(f): line1 = f.readline() gffmatch ="gff-version", line1) if gffmatch is not None: return "gff" gtfmatch ="gtf-version", line1) if gtfmatch is not None: return "gtf" testfile = self.annotation_list[0] if is_gzip(testfile): with, 'rt') as f: return search(f) else: with open(testfile, 'r') as f: return search(f)
def get_annotation_features(self, feature_types: List[str] = None) ‑> None
Parse annotation records into pandas DF/Bed format and dict format saving to self
- a list of Genbank feature types to use
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def get_annotation_features(self, feature_types: List[str] = None) -> None: """ Parse annotation records into pandas DF/Bed format and dict format saving to self Args: feature_types (List[str]): a list of Genbank feature types to use Returns: None """ if feature_types is None: feature_types = ["CDS"] feature_dict = {} pddict = dict(chrom=[], chromStart=[], chromEnd=[], name=[], strand=[]) if self.annotation_type == "genbank": for gbfile in self.annotation_list: try: if is_gzip(gbfile): f =, mode='rt') else: f = open(gbfile, mode='r') except IOError as e: logger.error("The genbank file %s could not be opened" % gbfile) raise e genbank_file = SeqIO.parse(f, "genbank") for entry in genbank_file: for record in entry.features: if record.type in feature_types: if record.strand in [1, -1, "+", "-"]: pddict["strand"].append("-" if str(record.strand) in ['-1', '-' ] else "+") featid = hashlib.md5(str(record).encode()).hexdigest() pddict['chrom'].append( pddict["chromStart"].append(record.location.start.position) pddict["chromEnd"].append(record.location.end.position) pddict["name"].append(featid) for qualifier_key, qualifier_val in record.qualifiers.items(): if not qualifier_key in feature_dict: feature_dict[qualifier_key] = {} feature_dict[qualifier_key][featid] = qualifier_val genbankbed = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(pddict) self.genbank_bed_df = genbankbed self.feature_dict = feature_dict f.close() elif self.annotation_type == "gff": anno_format = self.check_annotation_type() for gff in self.annotation_list: bedfile = BedTool(gff) for rec in bedfile: if rec[2] in feature_types: pddict["chrom"].append(rec[0]) pddict["chromStart"].append(rec[3]) pddict["chromEnd"].append(rec[4]) pddict["strand"].append(rec[6]) featid = hashlib.md5(str(rec).encode()).hexdigest() pddict["name"].append(featid) featlist = rec[8].split(';') for feat in featlist: if feat.isspace(): continue if anno_format == 'gtf': fl ='^[^"]*', feat) fv ='"([^"]*)"', feat) feat_key = feat_val ='"') elif anno_format =='gff': fl = feat.split('=') feat_key = fl[0] feat_val = fl[1] if not feat_key in feature_dict: feature_dict[feat_key] = {} feature_dict[feat_key][featid] = feat_val genbankbed = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(pddict) self.genbank_bed_df = genbankbed self.feature_dict = feature_dict
def locuslen(self) ‑> int
Count the number of locus tag in the genebank file
(int): Number of locus tag
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def locuslen(self) -> int: """ Count the number of locus tag in the genebank file Args: None Returns: (int): Number of locus tag """ locus_count = len(self.feature_dict['locus_tag' or 'locus'].keys()) return(locus_count)
class GuideMakerPlot (prettydf: ~pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, outdir: str)
A class with functions to plot guides over genome cooridinates.
GuideMakerPlot class for visualizing distrubution of gRNA, features, and locus.
- Final output from GuideMaker
- Output Directory
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class GuideMakerPlot: """ A class with functions to plot guides over genome cooridinates. """ def __init__(self, prettydf: PandasDataFrame, outdir: str) -> None: """ GuideMakerPlot class for visualizing distrubution of gRNA, features, and locus. Args: prettydf (PandasDataFrame): Final output from GuideMaker outdir (str): Output Directory Returns: None """ self.prettydf = prettydf self.accession = list(set(self.prettydf['Accession'])) def _singleplot(df): """ Returns guidemaker plot describing PAM targets Args: df(PandasDataFrame): Final output from GuideMaker for a single accession Return: None """ source = df brush = alt.selection(type='interval', encodings=['x']) binNum = int(round(source['Feature end'].max() / 200, 0)) display_info = source.columns.tolist() # Feature density densityF = alt.Chart(source).transform_density( 'Feature start', as_=['Feature start', 'Feature Density'], extent=[1, source['Feature end'].max()], bandwidth=binNum, ).mark_area(color='black', opacity=0.6).encode( x=alt.X('Feature start', axis=alt.Axis(title='Genome Coordinates (bp)', tickCount=5)), y='Feature Density:Q', ).properties(height=50, width=500) # Guide density densityG = alt.Chart(source).transform_density( 'Guide start', as_=['Guide start', 'Guide Density'], extent=[1, source['Feature end'].max()], bandwidth=binNum, ).mark_area(color='pink', opacity=0.6).encode( x=alt.X('Guide start', axis=alt.Axis(title='Genome Coordinates (bp)', tickCount=5)), y='Guide Density:Q', ).properties(height=50, width=500).add_selection(brush) # locus bar locus = alt.Chart(source).mark_bar(cornerRadiusTopLeft=3, cornerRadiusTopRight=3).encode( x='count(locus_tag):Q', y=alt.Y('locus_tag', axis=alt.Axis(title='Locus')), color='PAM:N', tooltip=display_info ).transform_filter( brush ).interactive().properties(height=500, width=500) guidemakerChart = (densityF & densityG & locus) return(guidemakerChart) for accession in self.accession: df = self.prettydf[self.prettydf['Accession'] == accession] accession_plot = _singleplot(df) plot_file_name = f"{outdir}/{accession}.html"
class PamTarget (pam: str, pam_orientation: str, dtype: str)
A Class representing a Protospacer Adjacent Motif (PAM) and targets.
The classincludes all targets for given PAM as a dataframe,PAM and target attributes, and methods to find target and control sequences.
Pam init
- A DNA string in ambiguous IUPAC format
- [5prime | 3prime ] 5prime means the order is 5'-[pam][target]-3' 3prime means the order is 5'-[target][pam]-3'
- hamming or leven
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class PamTarget: """ A Class representing a Protospacer Adjacent Motif (PAM) and targets. The classincludes all targets for given PAM as a dataframe,PAM and target attributes, and methods to find target and control sequences. """ def __init__(self, pam: str, pam_orientation: str, dtype: str) -> None: """ Pam __init__ Args: pam (str): A DNA string in ambiguous IUPAC format pam_orientation (str): [5prime | 3prime ] 5prime means the order is 5'-[pam][target]-3' 3prime means the order is 5'-[target][pam]-3' dtype (str): hamming or leven Returns: None """ for letter in pam.upper(): assert letter in ['A', 'C', 'G', 'T', 'M', 'R', 'W', 'S', 'Y', 'K', 'V', 'H', 'D', 'B', 'X', 'N'] assert pam_orientation in ["3prime", "5prime"] self.pam: str = pam.upper() self.pam_orientation: str = pam_orientation self.dtype: str = dtype def __str__(self) -> str: """ str __init__ Args: self Returns: self(str) """ return "A PAM object: {self.pam}".format(self=self) def find_targets(self, seq_record_iter: object, target_len: int) -> PandasDataFrame: """ Find all targets on a sequence that match for the PAM on both strand(s) Args: seq_record_iter (object): A Biopython SeqRecord iterator from SeqIO.parse target_len (int): The length of the target sequence Returns: PandasDataFrame: A pandas dataframe with of matching targets """ def reverse_complement(seq: str) -> str: """ Reverse complement of the PAM sequence Args: seq (str): A DNA string Returns: str: A reverse complement of DNA string """ bpseq = Seq.Seq(seq) return str(bpseq.reverse_complement()) def pam2re(pam: str) -> str: """ Convert an IUPAC ambiguous PAM to a Regex expression Args: pam (str): A DNA string Returns: str: A Regex expression """ dnaval = {'A': 'A', 'C': 'C', 'G': 'G', 'T': 'T', 'M': '[A|C]', 'R': '[A|G]', 'W': '[A|T]', 'S': '[C|G]', 'Y': '[C|T]', 'K': '[G|T]', 'V': '[A|C|G]', 'H': '[A|C|T]', 'D': '[A|G|T]', 'B': '[C|G|T]', 'X': '[G|A|T|C]', 'N': '[G|A|T|C]'} return "".join([dnaval[base] for base in pam]) # 5prime means the order is 5'-[pam][target]-3' # 3prime means the order is 5'-[target][pam]-3' def check_target(seq: str, target_len: int) -> bool: """ Check targets for guidelength and DNA bases Args: seq (str): A DNA string target_len(int): Guide length Returns: bool: True or False """ if len(seq) == target_len and all(letters in ['A', 'T', 'C', 'G'] for letters in seq): # if not ATCG in the target then ignore those targets return True return False def run_for_5p(pam_pattern: str, dnaseq: str, target_len: int) -> Generator: """ Search for guides with 5prime pam orientation in the forward strand Args: pam_pattern (str): A DNA string representing PAM dnaseq (str): A DNA string representing genome target_len (int): Guide length Returns: (Generator): A generator with target_seq, exact_pam, start, stop, strand, and pam_orientation """ for match_obj in regex.finditer(pattern=pam_pattern, string=dnaseq, overlapped=True): target_seq = dnaseq[match_obj.end(): match_obj.end() + target_len] target_seq30 = dnaseq[match_obj.start()-3: match_obj.start()+27] ## 5'-[guide of 25 nt][exact pam, 3nt][next two]-3' if check_target(target_seq, target_len): exact_pam = start = match_obj.end() stop = match_obj.end() + target_len # 5prime =True, 3prime = False pam_orientation = True # forward =True, reverse = False strand = True yield target_seq, exact_pam, start, stop, strand, pam_orientation, target_seq30 def run_for_3p(pam_pattern, dnaseq, target_len) -> Generator: """ Search for guides with 3prime pam orientation in the reverse strand Args: pam_pattern (str): A DNA string representing PAM dnaseq (str): A DNA string representing genome target_len (int): Guide length Returns: (Generator): A generator with target_seq, exact_pam, start, stop, strand, and pam_orientation """ for match_obj in regex.finditer(pattern=pam_pattern, string=dnaseq, overlapped=True): target_seq = dnaseq[match_obj.start() - target_len: match_obj.start()] target_seq30 = dnaseq[match_obj.end()-27 :match_obj.end()+3] if check_target(target_seq, target_len): exact_pam = start = match_obj.start() - target_len stop = match_obj.start() # 5prime =True, 3prime = False pam_orientation = False # forward =True, reverse = False strand = True yield target_seq, exact_pam, start, stop, strand, pam_orientation, target_seq30 def run_rev_5p(pam_pattern, dnaseq, target_len) -> Generator: """ Search for guides with 5prime pam orientation in the reverse strand Args: pam_pattern (str): A DNA string representing PAM dnaseq (str): A DNA string representing genome target_len (int): Guide length Returns: (Generator): A generator with target_seq, exact_pam, start, stop, strand, and pam_orientation """ for match_obj in regex.finditer(pattern=pam_pattern, string=dnaseq, overlapped=True): target_seq = reverse_complement( dnaseq[match_obj.start() - target_len: match_obj.start()]) target_seq30 = reverse_complement( dnaseq[match_obj.end()-27:match_obj.end()+3]) if check_target(target_seq, target_len): exact_pam = reverse_complement( start = match_obj.start() - target_len stop = match_obj.start() # 5prime =True, 3prime = False pam_orientation = True # forward =True, reverse = False strand = False yield target_seq, exact_pam, start, stop, strand, pam_orientation, target_seq30 def run_rev_3p(pam_pattern, dnaseq, target_len) -> Generator: """ Search for guides with 3prime pam orientation in the reverse strand Args: pam_pattern (str): A DNA string representing PAM dnaseq (str): A DNA string representing genome target_len (int): Guide length Returns: (Generator): A generator with target_seq, exact_pam, start, stop, strand, and pam_orientation """ for match_obj in regex.finditer(pattern=pam_pattern, string=dnaseq, overlapped=True): target_seq = reverse_complement( dnaseq[match_obj.end(): match_obj.end() + target_len]) target_seq30 = reverse_complement(dnaseq[match_obj.start()-3:match_obj.start()+27]) if check_target(target_seq, target_len): exact_pam = reverse_complement( start = match_obj.end() stop = match_obj.end() + target_len # 5prime =True, 3prime = False pam_orientation = False # forward =True, reverse = False strand = False yield target_seq, exact_pam, start, stop, strand, pam_orientation, target_seq30 target_list = [] for record in seq_record_iter: record_id = seq = str(record.seq) if self.pam_orientation == "5prime": # forward for5p = pd.DataFrame(run_for_5p(pam2re(self.pam), seq, target_len), columns=[ "target", "exact_pam", "start", "stop", "strand", "pam_orientation", "target_seq30"]) for5p["seqid"] = record_id # string to boolean conversion is not straight - as all string were set to Trues- so change the encoding in functions above. # for5p = for5p.astype({"target": 'str', "exact_pam": 'category', "start": 'uint32', "stop": 'uint32', "strand": 'bool', "pam_orientation": 'bool', "seqid": 'category'}) target_list.append(for5p) # reverse rev5p = pd.DataFrame(run_rev_5p(pam2re(reverse_complement(self.pam)), seq, target_len), columns=[ "target", "exact_pam", "start", "stop", "strand", "pam_orientation","target_seq30"]) rev5p["seqid"] = record_id rev5p = rev5p.astype({"target": 'str', "exact_pam": 'category', "start": 'uint32', "stop": 'uint32', "strand": 'bool', "pam_orientation": 'bool', "seqid": 'category'}) target_list.append(rev5p) # Question? Append directly vs. concat then append? elif self.pam_orientation == "3prime": # forward for3p = pd.DataFrame(run_for_3p(pam2re(self.pam), seq, target_len), columns=[ "target", "exact_pam", "start", "stop", "strand", "pam_orientation","target_seq30"]) for3p["seqid"] = record_id for3p = for3p.astype({"target": 'str', "exact_pam": 'category', "start": 'uint32', "stop": 'uint32', "strand": 'bool', "pam_orientation": 'bool', "seqid": 'category'}) target_list.append(for3p) # reverse rev3p = pd.DataFrame(run_rev_3p(pam2re(reverse_complement(self.pam)), seq, target_len), columns=[ "target", "exact_pam", "start", "stop", "strand", "pam_orientation","target_seq30"]) rev3p["seqid"] = record_id rev3p = rev3p.astype({"target": 'str', "exact_pam": 'category', "start": 'uint32', "stop": 'uint32', "strand": 'bool', "pam_orientation": 'bool', "seqid": 'category'}) target_list.append(rev3p) gc.collect() # clear memory after each chromosome df_targets = pd.concat(target_list, ignore_index=True) df_targets = df_targets.assign(seedseq=np.nan, hasrestrictionsite=np.nan, isseedduplicated=np.nan) df_targets = df_targets.astype({"seedseq": 'str', "isseedduplicated": 'bool'}) df_targets = df_targets.assign(dtype=self.dtype) df_targets = df_targets.astype({"dtype": 'category'}) return df_targets
def find_targets(self, seq_record_iter: object, target_len: int) ‑> ~pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
Find all targets on a sequence that match for the PAM on both strand(s)
- A Biopython SeqRecord iterator from SeqIO.parse
- The length of the target sequence
- A pandas dataframe with of matching targets
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def find_targets(self, seq_record_iter: object, target_len: int) -> PandasDataFrame: """ Find all targets on a sequence that match for the PAM on both strand(s) Args: seq_record_iter (object): A Biopython SeqRecord iterator from SeqIO.parse target_len (int): The length of the target sequence Returns: PandasDataFrame: A pandas dataframe with of matching targets """ def reverse_complement(seq: str) -> str: """ Reverse complement of the PAM sequence Args: seq (str): A DNA string Returns: str: A reverse complement of DNA string """ bpseq = Seq.Seq(seq) return str(bpseq.reverse_complement()) def pam2re(pam: str) -> str: """ Convert an IUPAC ambiguous PAM to a Regex expression Args: pam (str): A DNA string Returns: str: A Regex expression """ dnaval = {'A': 'A', 'C': 'C', 'G': 'G', 'T': 'T', 'M': '[A|C]', 'R': '[A|G]', 'W': '[A|T]', 'S': '[C|G]', 'Y': '[C|T]', 'K': '[G|T]', 'V': '[A|C|G]', 'H': '[A|C|T]', 'D': '[A|G|T]', 'B': '[C|G|T]', 'X': '[G|A|T|C]', 'N': '[G|A|T|C]'} return "".join([dnaval[base] for base in pam]) # 5prime means the order is 5'-[pam][target]-3' # 3prime means the order is 5'-[target][pam]-3' def check_target(seq: str, target_len: int) -> bool: """ Check targets for guidelength and DNA bases Args: seq (str): A DNA string target_len(int): Guide length Returns: bool: True or False """ if len(seq) == target_len and all(letters in ['A', 'T', 'C', 'G'] for letters in seq): # if not ATCG in the target then ignore those targets return True return False def run_for_5p(pam_pattern: str, dnaseq: str, target_len: int) -> Generator: """ Search for guides with 5prime pam orientation in the forward strand Args: pam_pattern (str): A DNA string representing PAM dnaseq (str): A DNA string representing genome target_len (int): Guide length Returns: (Generator): A generator with target_seq, exact_pam, start, stop, strand, and pam_orientation """ for match_obj in regex.finditer(pattern=pam_pattern, string=dnaseq, overlapped=True): target_seq = dnaseq[match_obj.end(): match_obj.end() + target_len] target_seq30 = dnaseq[match_obj.start()-3: match_obj.start()+27] ## 5'-[guide of 25 nt][exact pam, 3nt][next two]-3' if check_target(target_seq, target_len): exact_pam = start = match_obj.end() stop = match_obj.end() + target_len # 5prime =True, 3prime = False pam_orientation = True # forward =True, reverse = False strand = True yield target_seq, exact_pam, start, stop, strand, pam_orientation, target_seq30 def run_for_3p(pam_pattern, dnaseq, target_len) -> Generator: """ Search for guides with 3prime pam orientation in the reverse strand Args: pam_pattern (str): A DNA string representing PAM dnaseq (str): A DNA string representing genome target_len (int): Guide length Returns: (Generator): A generator with target_seq, exact_pam, start, stop, strand, and pam_orientation """ for match_obj in regex.finditer(pattern=pam_pattern, string=dnaseq, overlapped=True): target_seq = dnaseq[match_obj.start() - target_len: match_obj.start()] target_seq30 = dnaseq[match_obj.end()-27 :match_obj.end()+3] if check_target(target_seq, target_len): exact_pam = start = match_obj.start() - target_len stop = match_obj.start() # 5prime =True, 3prime = False pam_orientation = False # forward =True, reverse = False strand = True yield target_seq, exact_pam, start, stop, strand, pam_orientation, target_seq30 def run_rev_5p(pam_pattern, dnaseq, target_len) -> Generator: """ Search for guides with 5prime pam orientation in the reverse strand Args: pam_pattern (str): A DNA string representing PAM dnaseq (str): A DNA string representing genome target_len (int): Guide length Returns: (Generator): A generator with target_seq, exact_pam, start, stop, strand, and pam_orientation """ for match_obj in regex.finditer(pattern=pam_pattern, string=dnaseq, overlapped=True): target_seq = reverse_complement( dnaseq[match_obj.start() - target_len: match_obj.start()]) target_seq30 = reverse_complement( dnaseq[match_obj.end()-27:match_obj.end()+3]) if check_target(target_seq, target_len): exact_pam = reverse_complement( start = match_obj.start() - target_len stop = match_obj.start() # 5prime =True, 3prime = False pam_orientation = True # forward =True, reverse = False strand = False yield target_seq, exact_pam, start, stop, strand, pam_orientation, target_seq30 def run_rev_3p(pam_pattern, dnaseq, target_len) -> Generator: """ Search for guides with 3prime pam orientation in the reverse strand Args: pam_pattern (str): A DNA string representing PAM dnaseq (str): A DNA string representing genome target_len (int): Guide length Returns: (Generator): A generator with target_seq, exact_pam, start, stop, strand, and pam_orientation """ for match_obj in regex.finditer(pattern=pam_pattern, string=dnaseq, overlapped=True): target_seq = reverse_complement( dnaseq[match_obj.end(): match_obj.end() + target_len]) target_seq30 = reverse_complement(dnaseq[match_obj.start()-3:match_obj.start()+27]) if check_target(target_seq, target_len): exact_pam = reverse_complement( start = match_obj.end() stop = match_obj.end() + target_len # 5prime =True, 3prime = False pam_orientation = False # forward =True, reverse = False strand = False yield target_seq, exact_pam, start, stop, strand, pam_orientation, target_seq30 target_list = [] for record in seq_record_iter: record_id = seq = str(record.seq) if self.pam_orientation == "5prime": # forward for5p = pd.DataFrame(run_for_5p(pam2re(self.pam), seq, target_len), columns=[ "target", "exact_pam", "start", "stop", "strand", "pam_orientation", "target_seq30"]) for5p["seqid"] = record_id # string to boolean conversion is not straight - as all string were set to Trues- so change the encoding in functions above. # for5p = for5p.astype({"target": 'str', "exact_pam": 'category', "start": 'uint32', "stop": 'uint32', "strand": 'bool', "pam_orientation": 'bool', "seqid": 'category'}) target_list.append(for5p) # reverse rev5p = pd.DataFrame(run_rev_5p(pam2re(reverse_complement(self.pam)), seq, target_len), columns=[ "target", "exact_pam", "start", "stop", "strand", "pam_orientation","target_seq30"]) rev5p["seqid"] = record_id rev5p = rev5p.astype({"target": 'str', "exact_pam": 'category', "start": 'uint32', "stop": 'uint32', "strand": 'bool', "pam_orientation": 'bool', "seqid": 'category'}) target_list.append(rev5p) # Question? Append directly vs. concat then append? elif self.pam_orientation == "3prime": # forward for3p = pd.DataFrame(run_for_3p(pam2re(self.pam), seq, target_len), columns=[ "target", "exact_pam", "start", "stop", "strand", "pam_orientation","target_seq30"]) for3p["seqid"] = record_id for3p = for3p.astype({"target": 'str', "exact_pam": 'category', "start": 'uint32', "stop": 'uint32', "strand": 'bool', "pam_orientation": 'bool', "seqid": 'category'}) target_list.append(for3p) # reverse rev3p = pd.DataFrame(run_rev_3p(pam2re(reverse_complement(self.pam)), seq, target_len), columns=[ "target", "exact_pam", "start", "stop", "strand", "pam_orientation","target_seq30"]) rev3p["seqid"] = record_id rev3p = rev3p.astype({"target": 'str', "exact_pam": 'category', "start": 'uint32', "stop": 'uint32', "strand": 'bool', "pam_orientation": 'bool', "seqid": 'category'}) target_list.append(rev3p) gc.collect() # clear memory after each chromosome df_targets = pd.concat(target_list, ignore_index=True) df_targets = df_targets.assign(seedseq=np.nan, hasrestrictionsite=np.nan, isseedduplicated=np.nan) df_targets = df_targets.astype({"seedseq": 'str', "isseedduplicated": 'bool'}) df_targets = df_targets.assign(dtype=self.dtype) df_targets = df_targets.astype({"dtype": 'category'}) return df_targets
class TargetProcessor (targets: ~pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, lsr: int, editdist: int = 2, knum: int = 2)
A Class representing a set of guide RNA targets.
The class includes all targets in a dataframe, methods to process target and a dict with edit distances for sequences.
TargetProcessor init
- Dataframe with output from class PamTarget
- Length of seed region
- Edit distance
- Number of negative controls
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class TargetProcessor: """ A Class representing a set of guide RNA targets. The class includes all targets in a dataframe, methods to process target and a dict with edit distances for sequences. """ def __init__(self, targets: PandasDataFrame, lsr: int, editdist: int = 2, knum: int = 2) -> None: """ TargetProcessor __init__ Args: targets (PandasDataFrame): Dataframe with output from class PamTarget lsr (int): Length of seed region editdist (int): Edit distance knum (int): Number of negative controls Returns: None """ self.targets = targets # pandas dataframe self.lsr: int = lsr # length of seed region self.editdist: int = editdist self.knum: int = knum self.nmslib_index: object = None self.neighbors: dict = {} self.closest_neighbor_df: PandasDataFrame = None self.ncontrolsearched: int = None self.gc_percent: float = None self.genomesize: float = None self.pam_orientation: bool = targets['pam_orientation'].iat[0] def __str__(self) -> None: """ str __init__ Args: self Return: None """ info = "TargetList: contains a set of {} potential PAM targets".format(len(self.targets)) return info def __len__(self) -> int: """ len __init__ to display length of self.targets Args: self.targets Return: (int): Length of the self.targets """ return len(self.targets) def check_restriction_enzymes(self, restriction_enzyme_list: list = []) -> None: """ Check for restriction enzymes and its reverse complement within gRNA sequence Args: restriction_enzyme_list (list): A list with sequence for restriction enzymes Returns: None """ element_to_exclude = [] for record in set(restriction_enzyme_list): for letter in record.upper(): assert letter in ['A', 'C', 'G', 'T', 'M', 'R', 'W', 'S', 'Y', 'K', 'V', 'H', 'D', 'B', 'X', 'N'] record_seq = Seq.Seq(record.upper()) element_to_exclude.append(extend_ambiguous_dna(str(record_seq))) element_to_exclude.append(extend_ambiguous_dna( str(record_seq.reverse_complement()))) # reverse complement element_to_exclude = sum(element_to_exclude, []) # flatout list of list to list with restriction enzyme sites if len(element_to_exclude) > 0: self.targets['hasrestrictionsite'] = self.targets['target'].str.contains('|'.join(element_to_exclude)) else: self.targets['hasrestrictionsite'] = False def _one_hot_encode(self, seq_list: List[object]) -> List[str]: """One hot encode Target DNA as a binary string representation for NMSLIB.""" charmap = {'A': '1 0 0 0', 'C': '0 1 0 0', 'G': '0 0 1 0', 'T': '0 0 0 1'} def seq_to_bin(seq): charlist = [charmap[letter] for letter in seq] return " ".join(charlist) return list(map(seq_to_bin, seq_list)) def find_unique_near_pam(self) -> None: """ Identify unique sequences in the target list The function filters a list of Target objects for targets that are unique in the region closest to the PAM. The region length is defined by the lsr (length of seed region that need to be unique). Args: lsr (int): Length of seed region that is close to PAM Returns: None """ def _get_prox(tseq): # get target sequence as input if self.pam_orientation == True: # 5prime = True 3prime=False if self.lsr == 0: return tseq else: return tseq[0:self.lsr] elif self.pam_orientation == False: # 5prime = True 3prime=False if self.lsr == 0: return tseq else: return tseq[(len(tseq) - self.lsr):] # self.targets = deepcopy(self.targets) self.targets.loc[:, 'seedseq'] = self.targets.loc[:, 'target'].apply(_get_prox) self.targets.loc[:, 'isseedduplicated'] = self.targets.loc[:, 'seedseq'].duplicated() def create_index(self, configpath: str, num_threads=2): """ Create nmslib index Converts self.targets to binary one hot encoding and returns NMSLIB index Args: num_threads (int): cpu threads configpath (str): Path to config file which contains hyper parameters for NMSLIB M (int): Controls the number of bi-directional links created for each element during index construction. Higher values lead to better results at the expense of memory consumption. Typical values are 2 -100, but for most datasets a range of 12 -48 is suitable. Can’t be smaller than 2. efC (int): Size of the dynamic list used during construction. A larger value means a better quality index, but increases build time. Should be an integer value between 1 and the size of the dataset. Returns: None (but writes NMSLIB index to self) """ with open(configpath) as cf: config = yaml.safe_load(cf) M, efC, post = config['NMSLIB']['M'], config['NMSLIB']['efc'], config['NMSLIB']['post'] # index everything but not duplicates notduplicated_targets = list(set(self.targets['target'].tolist()))"unique targets for index: %s" % len(notduplicated_targets)) if self.targets['dtype'].iat[0] == "hamming": bintargets = self._one_hot_encode(notduplicated_targets) index_params = {'M': M, 'indexThreadQty': num_threads, 'efConstruction': efC, 'post': post} index = nmslib.init(space='bit_hamming', dtype=nmslib.DistType.INT, data_type=nmslib.DataType.OBJECT_AS_STRING, method='hnsw') index.addDataPointBatch(bintargets) # notduplicated_targets index.createIndex(index_params, print_progress=True) self.nmslib_index = index else: bintargets = notduplicated_targets index_params = {'M': M, 'indexThreadQty': num_threads, 'efConstruction': efC, 'post': post} index = nmslib.init(space='leven', dtype=nmslib.DistType.INT, data_type=nmslib.DataType.OBJECT_AS_STRING, method='hnsw') index.addDataPointBatch(bintargets) # notduplicated_targets index.createIndex(index_params, print_progress=True) self.nmslib_index = index def get_neighbors(self, configpath, num_threads=2) -> None: """ Get nearest neighbors for sequences removing sequences that have neighbors less than the Hamming distance threshold. For the list of all targets calculate the (knum) nearest neighbors. filter out targets with close neighbors and Writes a dictionary to self.neighbors: self.neighbors[seq]{target: seq_obj, neighbors: {seqs:[s1, s1, ...], dist:[d1, d1,...]}} Args: configpath (str): Path to a parameter config file num_threads (int): Number of threads Returns: None """ with open(configpath) as cf: config = yaml.safe_load(cf) ef = config['NMSLIB']['ef'] # unique_targets = self.targets.loc[self.targets['isseedduplicated'] # == False]['target'].tolist() # For indexing we need to use all targets -- for checking off-targets. For searching neighbours remove seed duplicated and one wiht restriction site. unique_targets = self.targets.loc[(self.targets['isseedduplicated']==False) | (self.targets['hasrestrictionsite']==False)]['target'].tolist() if self.targets['dtype'].iat[0] == "hamming": unique_bintargets = self._one_hot_encode(unique_targets) # search unique seed one else: unique_bintargets = unique_targets self.nmslib_index.setQueryTimeParams({'efSearch': ef}) results_list = self.nmslib_index.knnQueryBatch(unique_bintargets, k=self.knum, num_threads=num_threads) neighbor_dict = {} for i, entry in enumerate(results_list): queryseq = unique_targets[i] hitseqidx = entry[0].tolist() editdist = entry[1].tolist() if self.targets['dtype'].iat[0] == "hamming": # check that the closest sequence meets the min. dist. requirment. We multiply by 2 b/c each # base is one hot encoded. e.g. 1000 vs 0100 = 2 differences if editdist[1] >= 2 * self.editdist: neighbors = {"seqs": [self.targets['target'].values[x] for x in hitseqidx], # reverse this? "dist": [int(x / 2) for x in editdist]} neighbor_dict[queryseq] = {"target": unique_targets[i], "neighbors": neighbors} else: if editdist[1] >= self.editdist: neighbors = {"seqs": [self.targets['target'].values[x] for x in hitseqidx], # reverse this? "dist": [int(x) for x in editdist]} neighbor_dict[queryseq] = {"target": unique_targets[i], "neighbors": neighbors} self.neighbors = neighbor_dict def export_bed(self) -> object: """ Export the targets in self.neighbors to a bed format file Args: file (str): the name and location of file to export Returns: (obj): A Pandas Dataframe in Bed format """ # df = self.targets.copy() # why deepcopy - # select only guides that are not duplecated in the seedseq df = deepcopy(self.targets.loc[self.targets['isseedduplicated'] == False]) df = df[["seqid", "start", "stop", "target", "strand"]] df.loc[:, 'strand'] = df.loc[:, 'strand'].apply(lambda x: '+' if x == True else '-') df.columns = ["chrom", "chromstart", "chromend", "name", "strand"] df.sort_values(by=['chrom', 'chromstart'], inplace=True) return df def get_control_seqs(self, seq_record_iter: object, configpath, length: int = 20, n: int = 10, num_threads: int = 2) -> PandasDataFrame: """ Create random sequences with a specified GC probability and find seqs with the greatest distance to any sequence flanking a PAM site Args: seq_record_iter (Bio.SeqIO): An iterator of fastas length (int): Length of the sequence, must match the index n (int): Number of sequences to return num_threads (int): Number of processor threads Returns: (PandasDataFrame): A pandas dataframe with control sequence """ with open(configpath) as cf: config = yaml.safe_load(cf) MINIMUM_HMDIST = config['CONTROL']['MINIMUM_HMDIST'] MAX_CONTROL_SEARCH_MULTIPLE = max(config['CONTROL']['CONTROL_SEARCH_MULTIPLE']) # search_mult (int): search this times n sequences CONTROL_SEARCH_MULTIPLE = config['CONTROL']['CONTROL_SEARCH_MULTIPLE'] # get GC percent totlen = 0 gccnt = 0 for record in seq_record_iter: gccnt += GC(record.seq) * len(record) totlen += len(record) gc = gccnt / (totlen * 100) self.gc_percent = gc * 100 self.genomesize = totlen / (1024 * 1024) minimum_hmdist = 0 sm_count = 0 search_mult = 0 try: while minimum_hmdist < MINIMUM_HMDIST or search_mult == MAX_CONTROL_SEARCH_MULTIPLE: # generate random sequences seqs = [] search_mult = CONTROL_SEARCH_MULTIPLE[sm_count] for i in range(n * search_mult): seqs.append("".join(np.random.choice(a=["G", "C", "A", "T"], size=length, replace=True, p=[gc / 2, gc / 2, (1 - gc) / 2, (1 - gc) / 2]))) # one hot encode sequences binseq = [] charmap = {'A': '1 0 0 0', 'C': '0 1 0 0', 'G': '0 0 1 0', 'T': '0 0 0 1'} for seq in seqs: if self.targets['dtype'].iat[0] == "hamming": charlist = [charmap[letter] for letter in seq] binseq.append(" ".join(charlist)) else: # leven binseq.append(seq) rand_seqs = self.nmslib_index.knnQueryBatch(binseq, k=2, num_threads=num_threads) distlist = [] for i in rand_seqs: distlist.append(i[1][0]) zipped = list(zip(seqs, distlist)) dist_seqs = sorted(zipped, reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[1]) sort_seq = [item[0] for item in dist_seqs][0:n] #sort_dist if self.targets['dtype'].iat[0] == "hamming": sort_dist = [item[1] / 2 for item in dist_seqs][0:n] ### ? does divide by 2 holds for leven??? else: sort_dist = [item[1] for item in dist_seqs][0:n] ### ? does divide by 2 holds for leven??? minimum_hmdist = int(min(sort_dist)) sm_count += 1 except IndexError as e: raise e total_ncontrolsearched = search_mult * n self.ncontrolsearched = total_ncontrolsearched randomdf = pd.DataFrame(data={"Sequences": sort_seq, "Hamming distance": sort_dist}) def create_name(seq): return "Cont-" + hashlib.md5(seq.encode()).hexdigest() randomdf['name'] = randomdf["Sequences"].apply(create_name) randomdf = randomdf[["name", "Sequences", "Hamming distance"]] randomdf.head() return (min(sort_dist), statistics.median(sort_dist), randomdf)
def check_restriction_enzymes(self, restriction_enzyme_list: list = []) ‑> None
Check for restriction enzymes and its reverse complement within gRNA sequence
- A list with sequence for restriction enzymes
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def check_restriction_enzymes(self, restriction_enzyme_list: list = []) -> None: """ Check for restriction enzymes and its reverse complement within gRNA sequence Args: restriction_enzyme_list (list): A list with sequence for restriction enzymes Returns: None """ element_to_exclude = [] for record in set(restriction_enzyme_list): for letter in record.upper(): assert letter in ['A', 'C', 'G', 'T', 'M', 'R', 'W', 'S', 'Y', 'K', 'V', 'H', 'D', 'B', 'X', 'N'] record_seq = Seq.Seq(record.upper()) element_to_exclude.append(extend_ambiguous_dna(str(record_seq))) element_to_exclude.append(extend_ambiguous_dna( str(record_seq.reverse_complement()))) # reverse complement element_to_exclude = sum(element_to_exclude, []) # flatout list of list to list with restriction enzyme sites if len(element_to_exclude) > 0: self.targets['hasrestrictionsite'] = self.targets['target'].str.contains('|'.join(element_to_exclude)) else: self.targets['hasrestrictionsite'] = False
def create_index(self, configpath: str, num_threads=2)
Create nmslib index
Converts self.targets to binary one hot encoding and returns NMSLIB index
- cpu threads
Path to config file which contains hyper parameters for NMSLIB
M (int): Controls the number of bi-directional links created for each element during index construction. Higher values lead to better results at the expense of memory consumption. Typical values are 2 -100, but for most datasets a range of 12 -48 is suitable. Can’t be smaller than 2.
efC (int): Size of the dynamic list used during construction. A larger value means a better quality index, but increases build time. Should be an integer value between 1 and the size of the dataset.
None (but writes NMSLIB index to self)
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def create_index(self, configpath: str, num_threads=2): """ Create nmslib index Converts self.targets to binary one hot encoding and returns NMSLIB index Args: num_threads (int): cpu threads configpath (str): Path to config file which contains hyper parameters for NMSLIB M (int): Controls the number of bi-directional links created for each element during index construction. Higher values lead to better results at the expense of memory consumption. Typical values are 2 -100, but for most datasets a range of 12 -48 is suitable. Can’t be smaller than 2. efC (int): Size of the dynamic list used during construction. A larger value means a better quality index, but increases build time. Should be an integer value between 1 and the size of the dataset. Returns: None (but writes NMSLIB index to self) """ with open(configpath) as cf: config = yaml.safe_load(cf) M, efC, post = config['NMSLIB']['M'], config['NMSLIB']['efc'], config['NMSLIB']['post'] # index everything but not duplicates notduplicated_targets = list(set(self.targets['target'].tolist()))"unique targets for index: %s" % len(notduplicated_targets)) if self.targets['dtype'].iat[0] == "hamming": bintargets = self._one_hot_encode(notduplicated_targets) index_params = {'M': M, 'indexThreadQty': num_threads, 'efConstruction': efC, 'post': post} index = nmslib.init(space='bit_hamming', dtype=nmslib.DistType.INT, data_type=nmslib.DataType.OBJECT_AS_STRING, method='hnsw') index.addDataPointBatch(bintargets) # notduplicated_targets index.createIndex(index_params, print_progress=True) self.nmslib_index = index else: bintargets = notduplicated_targets index_params = {'M': M, 'indexThreadQty': num_threads, 'efConstruction': efC, 'post': post} index = nmslib.init(space='leven', dtype=nmslib.DistType.INT, data_type=nmslib.DataType.OBJECT_AS_STRING, method='hnsw') index.addDataPointBatch(bintargets) # notduplicated_targets index.createIndex(index_params, print_progress=True) self.nmslib_index = index
def export_bed(self) ‑> object
Export the targets in self.neighbors to a bed format file
- the name and location of file to export
(obj): A Pandas Dataframe in Bed format
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def export_bed(self) -> object: """ Export the targets in self.neighbors to a bed format file Args: file (str): the name and location of file to export Returns: (obj): A Pandas Dataframe in Bed format """ # df = self.targets.copy() # why deepcopy - # select only guides that are not duplecated in the seedseq df = deepcopy(self.targets.loc[self.targets['isseedduplicated'] == False]) df = df[["seqid", "start", "stop", "target", "strand"]] df.loc[:, 'strand'] = df.loc[:, 'strand'].apply(lambda x: '+' if x == True else '-') df.columns = ["chrom", "chromstart", "chromend", "name", "strand"] df.sort_values(by=['chrom', 'chromstart'], inplace=True) return df
def find_unique_near_pam(self) ‑> None
Identify unique sequences in the target list
The function filters a list of Target objects for targets that are unique in the region closest to the PAM. The region length is defined by the lsr (length of seed region that need to be unique).
- Length of seed region that is close to PAM
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def find_unique_near_pam(self) -> None: """ Identify unique sequences in the target list The function filters a list of Target objects for targets that are unique in the region closest to the PAM. The region length is defined by the lsr (length of seed region that need to be unique). Args: lsr (int): Length of seed region that is close to PAM Returns: None """ def _get_prox(tseq): # get target sequence as input if self.pam_orientation == True: # 5prime = True 3prime=False if self.lsr == 0: return tseq else: return tseq[0:self.lsr] elif self.pam_orientation == False: # 5prime = True 3prime=False if self.lsr == 0: return tseq else: return tseq[(len(tseq) - self.lsr):] # self.targets = deepcopy(self.targets) self.targets.loc[:, 'seedseq'] = self.targets.loc[:, 'target'].apply(_get_prox) self.targets.loc[:, 'isseedduplicated'] = self.targets.loc[:, 'seedseq'].duplicated()
def get_control_seqs(self, seq_record_iter: object, configpath, length: int = 20, n: int = 10, num_threads: int = 2) ‑> ~pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
Create random sequences with a specified GC probability and find seqs with the greatest distance to any sequence flanking a PAM site
- An iterator of fastas
- Length of the sequence, must match the index
- Number of sequences to return
- Number of processor threads
(PandasDataFrame): A pandas dataframe with control sequence
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def get_control_seqs(self, seq_record_iter: object, configpath, length: int = 20, n: int = 10, num_threads: int = 2) -> PandasDataFrame: """ Create random sequences with a specified GC probability and find seqs with the greatest distance to any sequence flanking a PAM site Args: seq_record_iter (Bio.SeqIO): An iterator of fastas length (int): Length of the sequence, must match the index n (int): Number of sequences to return num_threads (int): Number of processor threads Returns: (PandasDataFrame): A pandas dataframe with control sequence """ with open(configpath) as cf: config = yaml.safe_load(cf) MINIMUM_HMDIST = config['CONTROL']['MINIMUM_HMDIST'] MAX_CONTROL_SEARCH_MULTIPLE = max(config['CONTROL']['CONTROL_SEARCH_MULTIPLE']) # search_mult (int): search this times n sequences CONTROL_SEARCH_MULTIPLE = config['CONTROL']['CONTROL_SEARCH_MULTIPLE'] # get GC percent totlen = 0 gccnt = 0 for record in seq_record_iter: gccnt += GC(record.seq) * len(record) totlen += len(record) gc = gccnt / (totlen * 100) self.gc_percent = gc * 100 self.genomesize = totlen / (1024 * 1024) minimum_hmdist = 0 sm_count = 0 search_mult = 0 try: while minimum_hmdist < MINIMUM_HMDIST or search_mult == MAX_CONTROL_SEARCH_MULTIPLE: # generate random sequences seqs = [] search_mult = CONTROL_SEARCH_MULTIPLE[sm_count] for i in range(n * search_mult): seqs.append("".join(np.random.choice(a=["G", "C", "A", "T"], size=length, replace=True, p=[gc / 2, gc / 2, (1 - gc) / 2, (1 - gc) / 2]))) # one hot encode sequences binseq = [] charmap = {'A': '1 0 0 0', 'C': '0 1 0 0', 'G': '0 0 1 0', 'T': '0 0 0 1'} for seq in seqs: if self.targets['dtype'].iat[0] == "hamming": charlist = [charmap[letter] for letter in seq] binseq.append(" ".join(charlist)) else: # leven binseq.append(seq) rand_seqs = self.nmslib_index.knnQueryBatch(binseq, k=2, num_threads=num_threads) distlist = [] for i in rand_seqs: distlist.append(i[1][0]) zipped = list(zip(seqs, distlist)) dist_seqs = sorted(zipped, reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[1]) sort_seq = [item[0] for item in dist_seqs][0:n] #sort_dist if self.targets['dtype'].iat[0] == "hamming": sort_dist = [item[1] / 2 for item in dist_seqs][0:n] ### ? does divide by 2 holds for leven??? else: sort_dist = [item[1] for item in dist_seqs][0:n] ### ? does divide by 2 holds for leven??? minimum_hmdist = int(min(sort_dist)) sm_count += 1 except IndexError as e: raise e total_ncontrolsearched = search_mult * n self.ncontrolsearched = total_ncontrolsearched randomdf = pd.DataFrame(data={"Sequences": sort_seq, "Hamming distance": sort_dist}) def create_name(seq): return "Cont-" + hashlib.md5(seq.encode()).hexdigest() randomdf['name'] = randomdf["Sequences"].apply(create_name) randomdf = randomdf[["name", "Sequences", "Hamming distance"]] randomdf.head() return (min(sort_dist), statistics.median(sort_dist), randomdf)
def get_neighbors(self, configpath, num_threads=2) ‑> None
Get nearest neighbors for sequences removing sequences that have neighbors less than the Hamming distance threshold. For the list of all targets calculate the (knum) nearest neighbors. filter out targets with close neighbors and Writes a dictionary to self.neighbors: self.neighbors[seq]{target: seq_obj, neighbors: {seqs:[s1, s1, …], dist:[d1, d1,…]}}
- Path to a parameter config file
- Number of threads
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def get_neighbors(self, configpath, num_threads=2) -> None: """ Get nearest neighbors for sequences removing sequences that have neighbors less than the Hamming distance threshold. For the list of all targets calculate the (knum) nearest neighbors. filter out targets with close neighbors and Writes a dictionary to self.neighbors: self.neighbors[seq]{target: seq_obj, neighbors: {seqs:[s1, s1, ...], dist:[d1, d1,...]}} Args: configpath (str): Path to a parameter config file num_threads (int): Number of threads Returns: None """ with open(configpath) as cf: config = yaml.safe_load(cf) ef = config['NMSLIB']['ef'] # unique_targets = self.targets.loc[self.targets['isseedduplicated'] # == False]['target'].tolist() # For indexing we need to use all targets -- for checking off-targets. For searching neighbours remove seed duplicated and one wiht restriction site. unique_targets = self.targets.loc[(self.targets['isseedduplicated']==False) | (self.targets['hasrestrictionsite']==False)]['target'].tolist() if self.targets['dtype'].iat[0] == "hamming": unique_bintargets = self._one_hot_encode(unique_targets) # search unique seed one else: unique_bintargets = unique_targets self.nmslib_index.setQueryTimeParams({'efSearch': ef}) results_list = self.nmslib_index.knnQueryBatch(unique_bintargets, k=self.knum, num_threads=num_threads) neighbor_dict = {} for i, entry in enumerate(results_list): queryseq = unique_targets[i] hitseqidx = entry[0].tolist() editdist = entry[1].tolist() if self.targets['dtype'].iat[0] == "hamming": # check that the closest sequence meets the min. dist. requirment. We multiply by 2 b/c each # base is one hot encoded. e.g. 1000 vs 0100 = 2 differences if editdist[1] >= 2 * self.editdist: neighbors = {"seqs": [self.targets['target'].values[x] for x in hitseqidx], # reverse this? "dist": [int(x / 2) for x in editdist]} neighbor_dict[queryseq] = {"target": unique_targets[i], "neighbors": neighbors} else: if editdist[1] >= self.editdist: neighbors = {"seqs": [self.targets['target'].values[x] for x in hitseqidx], # reverse this? "dist": [int(x) for x in editdist]} neighbor_dict[queryseq] = {"target": unique_targets[i], "neighbors": neighbors} self.neighbors = neighbor_dict